Merge pull request #87 from SinTan1729/main

Almost completed polynomial_over_field_dim_one
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Sayantan Santra 2023-06-16 02:23:31 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit bcb867258a
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2 changed files with 90 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Mathlib.Order.ConditionallyCompleteLattice.Basic
/-- If something is smaller that Bot of a PartialOrder after attaching another Bot, it must be Bot. -/
lemma lt_bot_eq_WithBot_bot [PartialOrder α] [OrderBot α] {a : WithBot α} (h : a < (⊥ : α)) : a = ⊥ := by
cases a
. rfl
@ -29,18 +30,19 @@ open LocalRing
variable {R : Type _} [CommRing R] (I : PrimeSpectrum R)
/-- Definitions -/
noncomputable def height : ℕ∞ := Set.chainHeight {J : PrimeSpectrum R | J < I}
noncomputable def krullDim (R : Type _) [CommRing R] : WithBot ℕ∞ := ⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), height I
noncomputable def codimension (J : Ideal R) : WithBot ℕ∞ := ⨅ I ∈ {I : PrimeSpectrum R | J ≤ I.asIdeal}, height I
lemma height_def : height I = Set.chainHeight {J : PrimeSpectrum R | J < I} := rfl
lemma krullDim_def (R : Type _) [CommRing R] : krullDim R = (⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), height I : WithBot ℕ∞) := rfl
lemma krullDim_def' (R : Type _) [CommRing R] : krullDim R = iSup (λ I : PrimeSpectrum R => (height I : WithBot ℕ∞)) := rfl
/-- A lattice structure on WithBot ℕ∞. -/
noncomputable instance : CompleteLattice (WithBot (ℕ∞)) := WithBot.WithTop.completeLattice
/-- Height of ideals is monotonic. -/
lemma height_le_of_le {I J : PrimeSpectrum R} (I_le_J : I ≤ J) : height I ≤ height J := by
apply Set.chainHeight_mono
intro J' hJ'
@ -57,6 +59,34 @@ lemma krullDim_le_iff' (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (n : ℕ∞) :
lemma height_le_krullDim (I : PrimeSpectrum R) : height I ≤ krullDim R :=
le_iSup (λ I : PrimeSpectrum R => (height I : WithBot ℕ∞)) I
/-- In a domain, the height of a prime ideal is Bot (0 in this case) iff it's the Bot ideal. -/
lemma height_bot_iff_bot {D: Type} [CommRing D] [IsDomain D] {P : PrimeSpectrum D} : height P = ⊥ ↔ P = ⊥ := by
· intro h
unfold height at h
rw [bot_eq_zero] at h
simp only [Set.chainHeight_eq_zero_iff] at h
apply eq_bot_of_minimal
intro I
by_contra x
have : I ∈ {J | J < P} := x
rw [h] at this
· intro h
unfold height
simp only [bot_eq_zero', Set.chainHeight_eq_zero_iff]
by_contra spec
change _ ≠ _ at spec
rw [← Set.nonempty_iff_ne_empty] at spec
obtain ⟨J, JlP : J < P⟩ := spec
have JneP : J ≠ P := ne_of_lt JlP
rw [h, ←bot_lt_iff_ne_bot, ←h] at JneP
have := not_lt_of_lt JneP
/-- The Krull dimension of a ring being ≥ n is equivalent to there being an
ideal of height ≥ n. -/
lemma le_krullDim_iff (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (n : ) :
n ≤ krullDim R ↔ ∃ I : PrimeSpectrum R, n ≤ (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) := by
@ -230,9 +260,9 @@ lemma dim_le_zero_iff : krullDim R ≤ 0 ↔ ∀ I : PrimeSpectrum R, IsMaximal
. exact List.chain'_singleton _
. constructor
. intro I' hI'
simp at hI'
simp only [List.mem_singleton] at hI'
rwa [hI']
. simp
. simp only [List.length_singleton, Nat.cast_one, zero_add]
. contrapose! h
change (0 : ℕ∞) < (_ : WithBot ℕ∞) at h
rw [lt_height_iff''] at h
@ -259,7 +289,7 @@ lemma dim_eq_zero_iff [Nontrivial R] : krullDim R = 0 ↔ ∀ I : PrimeSpectrum
/-- In a field, the unique prime ideal is the zero ideal. -/
lemma field_prime_bot {K: Type _} [Field K] (P : Ideal K) : IsPrime P ↔ P = ⊥ := by
lemma field_prime_bot {K: Type _} [Field K] {P : Ideal K} : IsPrime P ↔ P = ⊥ := by
· intro primeP
obtain T := eq_bot_or_top P
@ -270,9 +300,16 @@ lemma field_prime_bot {K: Type _} [Field K] (P : Ideal K) : IsPrime P ↔ P =
exact bot_prime
/-- In a field, all primes have height 0. -/
lemma field_prime_height_zero {K: Type _} [Field K] (P : PrimeSpectrum K) : height P = 0 := by
lemma field_prime_height_bot {K: Type _} [Nontrivial K] [Field K] {P : PrimeSpectrum K} : height P = ⊥ := by
-- This should be doable by
-- have : IsPrime P.asIdeal := P.IsPrime
-- rw [field_prime_bot] at this
-- have : P = ⊥ := PrimeSpectrum.ext P ⊥ this
-- rw [height_bot_iff_bot]
-- Need to check what's happening
rw [bot_eq_zero]
unfold height
simp only [Set.chainHeight_eq_zero_iff]
by_contra spec
change _ ≠ _ at spec
rw [← Set.nonempty_iff_ne_empty] at spec
@ -288,7 +325,7 @@ lemma field_prime_height_zero {K: Type _} [Field K] (P : PrimeSpectrum K) : heig
/-- The Krull dimension of a field is 0. -/
lemma dim_field_eq_zero {K : Type _} [Field K] : krullDim K = 0 := by
unfold krullDim
simp [field_prime_height_zero]
simp only [field_prime_height_bot, ciSup_unique]
/-- A domain with Krull dimension 0 is a field. -/
lemma domain_dim_zero.isField {D: Type _} [CommRing D] [IsDomain D] (h: krullDim D = 0) : IsField D := by
@ -335,7 +372,7 @@ lemma dim_le_one_of_dimLEOne : Ring.DimensionLEOne R → krullDim R ≤ 1 := by
rcases (lt_height_iff''.mp h) with ⟨c, ⟨hc1, hc2, hc3⟩⟩
norm_cast at hc3
rw [List.chain'_iff_get] at hc1
specialize hc1 0 (by rw [hc3]; simp)
specialize hc1 0 (by rw [hc3]; simp only)
set q0 : PrimeSpectrum R := List.get c { val := 0, isLt := _ }
set q1 : PrimeSpectrum R := List.get c { val := 1, isLt := _ }
specialize hc2 q1 (List.get_mem _ _ _)

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@ -1,39 +1,71 @@
import CommAlg.krull
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Operations
import Mathlib.RingTheory.FiniteType
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.RingTheory.PrincipalIdealDomain
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.MinimalPrime
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.AtPrime
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.ConditionallyCompleteLattice.Basic
namespace Ideal
/-- The ring of polynomials over a field has dimension one. -/
lemma polynomial_over_field_dim_one {K : Type} [Nontrivial K] [Field K] : krullDim (Polynomial K) = 1 := by
-- unfold krullDim
rw [le_antisymm_iff]
let X := @Polynomial.X K _
· unfold krullDim
apply @iSup_le (WithBot ℕ∞) _ _ _ _
intro I
have PIR : IsPrincipalIdealRing (Polynomial K) := by infer_instance
by_cases I = ⊥
· rw [← height_bot_iff_bot] at h
simp only [WithBot.coe_le_one, ge_iff_le]
rw [h]
exact bot_le
· push_neg at h
have : I.asIdeal ≠ ⊥ := by
by_contra a
have : I = ⊥ := PrimeSpectrum.ext I ⊥ a
have maxI := IsPrime.to_maximal_ideal this
have singleton : ∀P, P ∈ {J | J < I} ↔ P = ⊥ := by
intro P
· intro H
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq] at H
by_contra x
push_neg at x
have : P.asIdeal ≠ ⊥ := by
by_contra a
have : P = ⊥ := PrimeSpectrum.ext P ⊥ a
have maxP := IsPrime.to_maximal_ideal this
have IneTop := IsMaximal.ne_top maxI
have : P ≤ I := le_of_lt H
rw [←PrimeSpectrum.asIdeal_le_asIdeal] at this
have : P.asIdeal = I.asIdeal := Ideal.IsMaximal.eq_of_le maxP IneTop this
have : P = I := PrimeSpectrum.ext P I this
replace H : P ≠ I := ne_of_lt H
· intro pBot
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, pBot]
exact lt_of_le_of_ne bot_le h.symm
replace singleton : {J | J < I} = {⊥} := Set.ext singleton
unfold height
· suffices : ∃I : PrimeSpectrum (Polynomial K), 1 ≤ (height I : WithBot ℕ∞)
· obtain ⟨I, h⟩ := this
have : (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) ≤ ⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum (Polynomial K)), ↑(height I) := by
apply @le_iSup (WithBot ℕ∞) _ _ _ I
exact le_trans h this
have primeX : Prime Polynomial.X := @Polynomial.prime_X K _ _
let X := @Polynomial.X K _
have : IsPrime (span {X}) := by
refine Iff.mpr (span_singleton_prime ?hp) primeX
refine (span_singleton_prime ?hp).mpr primeX
exact Polynomial.X_ne_zero
let P := (span {X}) this
unfold height
use P
have : ⊥ ∈ {J | J < P} := by
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq]
rw [bot_lt_iff_ne_bot]
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, bot_lt_iff_ne_bot]
suffices : P.asIdeal ≠ ⊥
· by_contra x
rw [PrimeSpectrum.ext_iff] at x