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2023-06-12 15:03:35 -05:00
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Operations
import Mathlib.RingTheory.FiniteType
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.RingTheory.PrincipalIdealDomain
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.AtPrime
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.ConditionallyCompleteLattice.Basic
/- This file contains the definitions of height of an ideal, and the krull
dimension of a commutative ring.
There are also sorried statements of many of the theorems that would be
really nice to prove.
I'm imagining for this file to ultimately contain basic API for height and
krull dimension, and the theorems will probably end up other files,
depending on how long the proofs are, and what extra API needs to be
namespace Ideal
2023-06-12 16:27:09 -05:00
open LocalRing
variable {R : Type _} [CommRing R] (I : PrimeSpectrum R)
2023-06-11 23:15:30 -05:00
noncomputable def height : ℕ∞ := Set.chainHeight {J : PrimeSpectrum R | J < I}
noncomputable def krullDim (R : Type) [CommRing R] : WithBot ℕ∞ := ⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), height I
lemma height_def : height I = Set.chainHeight {J : PrimeSpectrum R | J < I} := rfl
lemma krullDim_def (R : Type) [CommRing R] : krullDim R = (⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), height I : WithBot ℕ∞) := rfl
lemma krullDim_def' (R : Type) [CommRing R] : krullDim R = iSup (λ I : PrimeSpectrum R => (height I : WithBot ℕ∞)) := rfl
noncomputable instance : CompleteLattice (WithBot (ℕ∞)) := WithBot.WithTop.completeLattice
2023-06-12 16:27:09 -05:00
lemma height_le_of_le {I J : PrimeSpectrum R} (I_le_J : I ≤ J) : height I ≤ height J := by
apply Set.chainHeight_mono
intro J' hJ'
show J' < J
exact lt_of_lt_of_le hJ' I_le_J
2023-06-12 16:27:09 -05:00
lemma krullDim_le_iff (R : Type) [CommRing R] (n : ) :
krullDim R ≤ n ↔ ∀ I : PrimeSpectrum R, (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) ≤ ↑n := iSup_le_iff (α := WithBot ℕ∞)
lemma krullDim_le_iff' (R : Type) [CommRing R] (n : ℕ∞) :
krullDim R ≤ n ↔ ∀ I : PrimeSpectrum R, (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) ≤ ↑n := iSup_le_iff (α := WithBot ℕ∞)
2023-06-13 16:17:59 -05:00
lemma le_krullDim_iff (R : Type) [CommRing R] (n : ) :
n ≤ krullDim R ↔ ∃ I : PrimeSpectrum R, n ≤ (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) := by sorry
lemma le_krullDim_iff' (R : Type) [CommRing R] (n : ℕ∞) :
n ≤ krullDim R ↔ ∃ I : PrimeSpectrum R, n ≤ (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) := by sorry
2023-06-12 16:27:09 -05:00
lemma height_le_krullDim (I : PrimeSpectrum R) : height I ≤ krullDim R :=
le_iSup (λ I : PrimeSpectrum R => (height I : WithBot ℕ∞)) I
lemma krullDim_eq_height [LocalRing R] : krullDim R = height (closedPoint R) := by
apply le_antisymm
. rw [krullDim_le_iff']
intro I
apply WithBot.coe_mono
apply height_le_of_le
apply le_maximalIdeal
exact I.2.1
. simp
#check height_le_krullDim
--some propositions that would be nice to be able to eventually
2023-06-13 15:34:02 -05:00
lemma primeSpectrum_empty_of_subsingleton (x : PrimeSpectrum R) [Subsingleton R] : False :=
x.1.ne_top_iff_one.1 x.2.1 <| Eq.substr (Subsingleton.elim 1 (0 : R)) x.1.zero_mem
lemma primeSpectrum_empty_iff : IsEmpty (PrimeSpectrum R) ↔ Subsingleton R := by
. contrapose
rw [not_isEmpty_iff, ←not_nontrivial_iff_subsingleton, not_not]
apply PrimeSpectrum.instNonemptyPrimeSpectrum
. intro h
by_contra hneg
rw [not_isEmpty_iff] at hneg
rcases hneg with ⟨a, ha⟩
exact primeSpectrum_empty_of_subsingleton ⟨a, ha⟩
/-- A ring has Krull dimension -∞ if and only if it is the zero ring -/
lemma dim_eq_bot_iff : krullDim R = ⊥ ↔ Subsingleton R := by
unfold Ideal.krullDim
rw [←primeSpectrum_empty_iff, iSup_eq_bot]
constructor <;> intro h
. rw [←not_nonempty_iff]
rintro ⟨a, ha⟩
specialize h ⟨a, ha⟩
. rw [h.forall_iff]
2023-06-12 15:03:35 -05:00
lemma field_prime_bot {K: Type _} [Field K] (P : Ideal K) : IsPrime P ↔ P = ⊥ := by
· intro primeP
obtain T := eq_bot_or_top P
have : ¬P = := IsPrime.ne_top primeP
· intro botP
rw [botP]
exact bot_prime
lemma field_prime_height_zero {K: Type _} [Field K] (P : PrimeSpectrum K) : height P = 0 := by
unfold height
by_contra spec
change _ ≠ _ at spec
rw [← Set.nonempty_iff_ne_empty] at spec
obtain ⟨J, JlP : J < P⟩ := spec
have P0 : IsPrime P.asIdeal := P.IsPrime
have J0 : IsPrime J.asIdeal := J.IsPrime
rw [field_prime_bot] at P0 J0
have : J.asIdeal = P.asIdeal := Eq.trans J0 (Eq.symm P0)
have : J = P := PrimeSpectrum.ext J P this
have : J ≠ P := ne_of_lt JlP
lemma dim_field_eq_zero {K : Type _} [Field K] : krullDim K = 0 := by
unfold krullDim
simp [field_prime_height_zero]
lemma isField.dim_zero {D: Type _} [CommRing D] [IsDomain D] (h: krullDim D = 0) : IsField D := by
unfold krullDim at h
simp [height] at h
by_contra x
rw [Ring.not_isField_iff_exists_prime] at x
obtain ⟨P, ⟨h1, primeP⟩⟩ := x
let P' : PrimeSpectrum D := P primeP
have h2 : P' ≠ ⊥ := by
by_contra a
have : P = ⊥ := by rwa [PrimeSpectrum.ext_iff] at a
have PgtBot : P' > ⊥ := Ne.bot_lt h2
have pos_height : ¬ ↑(Set.chainHeight {J | J < P'}) ≤ 0 := by
have : ⊥ ∈ {J | J < P'} := PgtBot
have : {J | J < P'}.Nonempty := Set.nonempty_of_mem this
rw [←Set.one_le_chainHeight_iff] at this
exact not_le_of_gt ( ENat.one_le_iff_pos this)
have nonpos_height : (Set.chainHeight {J | J < P'}) ≤ 0 := by
have : (⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum D), (Set.chainHeight {J | J < I} : WithBot ℕ∞)) ≤ 0 := h.le
rw [iSup_le_iff] at this
exact WithBot.coe_le_zero (this P')
lemma dim_eq_zero_iff_field {D: Type _} [CommRing D] [IsDomain D] : krullDim D = 0 ↔ IsField D := by
· exact isField.dim_zero
· intro fieldD
let h : Field D := IsField.toField fieldD
exact dim_field_eq_zero
#check Ring.DimensionLEOne
lemma dim_le_one_iff : krullDim R ≤ 1 ↔ Ring.DimensionLEOne R := sorry
lemma dim_le_one_of_pid [IsDomain R] [IsPrincipalIdealRing R] : krullDim R ≤ 1 := by
rw [dim_le_one_iff]
exact Ring.DimensionLEOne.principal_ideal_ring R
lemma dim_le_dim_polynomial_add_one [Nontrivial R] :
krullDim R ≤ krullDim (Polynomial R) + 1 := sorry
lemma dim_eq_dim_polynomial_add_one [Nontrivial R] [IsNoetherianRing R] :
krullDim R = krullDim (Polynomial R) + 1 := sorry
lemma height_eq_dim_localization :
height I = krullDim (Localization.AtPrime I.asIdeal) := sorry
lemma height_add_dim_quotient_le_dim : height I + krullDim (R I.asIdeal) ≤ krullDim R := sorry