# Tmux Capture Last Command Output Capture the output of the last terminal command and open it an editor in a separate tmux window. ## Installation ### Using [TPM](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm): set -g @plugin 'artemave/tmux_capture_last_command_output' Hit prefix + I to fetch and source the plugin. ### Manual Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/artemave/tmux_capture_last_command_output.git ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux_capture_last_command_output Source it in your `.tmux.conf`: run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux_capture_last_command_output/tmux_capture_last_command_output.tmux Reload TMUX conf by running: tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf ## Configuration #### @command-capture-key Required. Set Prefix + key to trigger the plugin. For example, `prefix+t`: ``` set -g @command-capture-key t ``` #### @command-capture-prompt-pattern Required. A regexp to identify command separator. Usually a prompt. E.g., if set to '] % ', the plugin will capture the latest output up until the first line that contains '] % ': ``` set -g @command-capture-prompt-pattern '] % ' ``` #### @command-capture-editor-cmd Optional. An editor to use for the captured output. Defaults to `$EDITOR -`, which works with vim/nvim. Example: ``` set -g @command-capture-editor-cmd 'nvim -' ```