#!/bin/sh # Steps for setting up the drivers of Huion Inspiroy H640P # git clone https://github.com/Huion-Linux/DIGImend-kernel-drivers-for-Huion # cd DIGImend-kernel-drivers-for-Huion # sed -i 's/SUBDIRS=/M=/' Makefile (only for arch or related) # sudo make dkms_install # Make /etc/udev/rules.d/00-usb-huion.rules with this content (to run it whenever the tabler is conencted): # ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="256c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="006d", ENV{XAUTHORITY}="/home/sintan/.Xauthority", ENV{DISPLAY}=":0", OWNER=, RUN+="/usr/local/bin/huion-tablet-mount" # Make /usr/local/bin/huion-tablet-mount with this content : # #!/bin/sh # # & exit # Make sure to install xf86-input-wacom (might have to restart) # Add this script to autostart of your DE or .profile or somehow make it run at boot (so that it works in case the tablet is connected at boot) if [ "$(xsetwacom --list | grep -c 'HID 256c:006d')" -ne "2" ]; then echo "No supported devices found!" exit 1 fi sleep 1 xsetwacom --set 'HID 256c:006d Pen stylus' Button 2 "2" # middle mouse button xsetwacom --set 'HID 256c:006d Pen stylus' Button 3 "3" # right mouse button xsetwacom --set 'HID 256c:006d Pad pad' Button 1 "key +ctrl +s -s -ctrl" # save xsetwacom --set 'HID 256c:006d Pad pad' Button 2 "key +alt +c -c -alt" # cycle colors in xournal++ xsetwacom --set 'HID 256c:006d Pad pad' Button 3 "4" # scroll up xsetwacom --set 'HID 256c:006d Pad pad' Button 8 "5" # scroll down xsetwacom --set 'HID 256c:006d Pad pad' Button 9 "key +ctrl +z -z -ctrl" # undo xsetwacom --set 'HID 256c:006d Pad pad' Button 10 "key +ctrl +y -y -ctrl" # redo