2024-03-13 14:07:20 -05:00
" Disable netrw for nvim-tree to work
2024-03-19 15:39:14 -05:00
let loaded_netrw = 1
let loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
2024-03-13 14:07:20 -05:00
" Turn on numbers
set number
" Turn off line wrapping
set nowrap
" Turn on syntax highlighting
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
" Disable cmdline from bottom
set cmdheight=0
" Display as much of a line as possible instead of just showing @
set display+=lastline
2024-03-19 15:39:14 -05:00
" Ignore case while searching except when the search term contains capital
" letters
2024-03-13 14:07:20 -05:00
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" Use 4 spaces for tabs and properly adjust them for files using TAB
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
" Needed for group colors to work in nvim-tree
set termguicolors
" Show LSP signs in the number column
set signcolumn=number
" Turn on spell checking
set spell
" Enable mouse support
set mouse=n
2024-03-19 15:39:14 -05:00
" Enable automatic format on save, text change in normal mode and leaving
" insert mode
autocmd BufWritePre,TextChanged,InsertLeave <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.format()
2024-03-13 14:07:20 -05:00
" Set K to hover
command -nargs=+ LspHover lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()
set keywordprg=:LspHover
" Enable programming dictionary
set spelllang=en,programming
" Disable unused plugins
let g:loaded_perl_provider=0
let g:loaded_node_provider=0
let g:loaded_ruby_provider=0
2024-03-19 15:39:14 -05:00
" Change the leader to a comma
let mapleader = ","
let g:mapleader = ","
2024-03-13 14:07:20 -05:00
" Use ,dd for deleting without putting into buffer
nnoremap <leader>d "_d
nnoremap <leader>D "_D
nnoremap <leader>x "_x
vnoremap <leader>d "_d
" Insert a newline in normal mode by ,o
2024-03-19 15:39:14 -05:00
nnoremap <Leader>o o<Esc>k
nnoremap <Leader>O O<Esc>j
2024-03-13 14:07:20 -05:00
" Use ,u for redo
2024-03-19 15:39:14 -05:00
nnoremap <Leader>u <c-r>
2024-03-13 14:07:20 -05:00