import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity import Mathlib.Tactic open Nat -- Obligatory Hello World #eval "Hello world!" -- These are pieces of data. #check 2 + 2 def f (x : ℕ) := x + 3 #eval f 5 #check f -- These are propositions, of type `Prop`. #check 2 + 2 = 4 def FermatLastTheorem := ∀ x y z n : ℕ, n > 2 ∧ x * y * z ≠ 0 → x ^ n + y ^ n ≠ z ^ n #check FermatLastTheorem -- These are proofs of propositions. theorem easy : 2 + 2 = 4 := rfl #check easy theorem hard : FermatLastTheorem := sorry #check hard -- Here are some proofs. example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) := fun m n ⟨k, (hk : n = k + k)⟩ => have hmn : m * n = m * k + m * k := by rw [hk, mul_add] show ∃ l, m * n = l + l from ⟨_, hmn⟩ example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) := fun m n ⟨k, hk⟩ => ⟨m * k, by rw [hk, mul_add]⟩ example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) := by -- say m and n are natural numbers, and assume n=2*k rintro m n ⟨k, hk⟩ -- We need to prove m*n is twice a natural number. Let's show it's twice m*k. use m * k -- substitute in for n rw [hk] -- and now it's obvious ring example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) := by rintro m n ⟨k, hk⟩; use m * k; rw [hk]; ring example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) := by intros; simp [*, parity_simps]