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synced 2024-12-25 23:28:36 -06:00
Merge branch 'monalisa' of github.com:GTBarkley/comm_alg into monalisa
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 52 additions and 5 deletions
@ -65,7 +65,13 @@ example : Polynomial.eval (100 : ℚ) F = (2 : ℚ) := by
end section
-- @[BH, 4.1.2]
-- All the polynomials are in ℚ[X], all the functions are considered as ℤ → ℤ
noncomputable section
-- Polynomial type of degree d
@ -107,6 +113,10 @@ def f (n : ℤ) := n
end section
-- (NO need to prove another direction) Constant polynomial function = constant function
lemma Poly_constant (F : Polynomial ℚ) (c : ℚ) :
(F = Polynomial.C (c : ℚ)) ↔ (∀ r : ℚ, (Polynomial.eval r F) = (c : ℚ)) := by
@ -133,7 +143,6 @@ lemma Poly_shifting (f : ℤ → ℤ) (g : ℤ → ℤ) (hf : PolyType f d) (s :
-- set_option pp.all true in
-- PolyType 0 = constant function
lemma PolyType_0 (f : ℤ → ℤ) : (PolyType f 0) ↔ (∃ (c : ℤ), ∃ (N : ℤ), ∀ (n : ℤ),
@ -162,17 +171,50 @@ lemma PolyType_0 (f : ℤ → ℤ) : (PolyType f 0) ↔ (∃ (c : ℤ), ∃ (N :
lemma Δ_0 (f : ℤ → ℤ) : (Δ f 0) = f := by
-- Δ of d times maps polynomial of degree d to polynomial of degree 0
lemma Δ_PolyType_d_to_PolyType_0 (f : ℤ → ℤ) (d : ℕ): PolyType f d → PolyType (Δ f d) 0 := by
lemma Δ_d_PolyType_d_to_PolyType_0 (f : ℤ → ℤ) (d : ℕ): PolyType f d → PolyType (Δ f d) 0 := by
intro h
rcases h with ⟨Poly, hN⟩
rcases hN with ⟨N, hh⟩
rcases hh with ⟨H1, H2⟩
have HH2 : d = Polynomial.degree Poly := by
have HH3 : Polynomial.degree Poly = d := by
induction' d with d hd
-- Base case
· rw [PolyType_0]
have this : Poly = Polynomial.C (Polynomial.coeff Poly 0) := by
exact Polynomial.eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero HH3
let d := Polynomial.coeff Poly 0
have this11 : ∃ (c : ℤ), c = d := by
rcases this11 with ⟨c, this1⟩
have this1 : c = Polynomial.coeff Poly 0 := by
use c; use N; intro n
· specialize H1 n
rw [Δ_0]
intro h
have this2 : f n = Polynomial.eval (n : ℚ) Poly := by
have this3 : f n = (c : ℚ) := by
rw [this2, this1]
let HHH := (Poly_constant Poly c).mp
exact Iff.mp (Rat.coe_int_inj (f n) c) this3
· intro c0
have this2 : (c : ℚ) = 0 := by
exact congrArg Int.cast c0
have this3 : Polynomial.coeff Poly 0 = 0 := by
rw [←this1, this2]
-- Induction step
· sorry
@ -195,12 +237,14 @@ lemma a_to_b (f : ℤ → ℤ) (d : ℕ) : (∃ (c : ℤ), ∃ (N : ℤ), ∀ (n
· sorry
-- [BH, 4.1.2] (a) <= (b)
-- f is of polynomial type d → Δ^d f (n) = c for some nonzero integer c for n >> 0
lemma b_to_a (f : ℤ → ℤ) (d : ℕ) : PolyType f d → (∃ (c : ℤ), ∃ (N : ℤ), ∀ (n : ℤ), ((N ≤ n → (Δ f d) (n) = c) ∧ c ≠ 0)) := by
intro h
have : PolyType (Δ f d) 0 := by
apply Δ_PolyType_d_to_PolyType_0
apply Δ_d_PolyType_d_to_PolyType_0
exact h
have this1 : (∃ (c : ℤ), ∃ (N : ℤ), ∀ (n : ℤ), ((N ≤ n → (Δ f d) n = c) ∧ c ≠ 0)) := by
rw [←PolyType_0]
@ -212,6 +256,9 @@ end
-- @Additive lemma of length for a SES
-- Given a SES 0 → A → B → C → 0, then length (A) - length (B) + length (C) = 0
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