Merge branch 'monalisa' of into monalisa

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Andre 2023-06-14 13:44:13 -04:00
commit 40fc5871a9
12 changed files with 1054 additions and 0 deletions

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import Mathlib.Order.KrullDimension
import Mathlib.Order.JordanHolder
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import CommAlg.krull
#check (p q : PrimeSpectrum _) → (p ≤ q)
#check Preorder (PrimeSpectrum _)
-- Dimension of a ring
#check krullDim (PrimeSpectrum _)
-- Length of a module
#check krullDim (Submodule _ _)
#check JordanHolderLattice
section Chains
variable {α : Type _} [Preorder α] (s : Set α)
def finFun_to_list {n : } : (Fin n → α) → List α := by sorry
def series_to_chain : StrictSeries s → s.subchain
| ⟨length, toFun, strictMono⟩ =>
⟨ finFun_to_list (fun x => toFun x),
-- there should be a coercion from WithTop to WithBot (WithTop ) but it doesn't seem to work
-- it looks like this might be because someone changed the instance from CoeCT to Coe during the port
-- actually it looks like we can coerce to WithBot (ℕ∞) fine
lemma twoHeights : s ≠ ∅ → (some (Set.chainHeight s) : WithBot (WithTop )) = krullDim s := by
intro hs
unfold Set.chainHeight
unfold krullDim
have hKrullSome : ∃n, krullDim s = some n := by
-- norm_cast
end Chains
section Krull
variable (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (M : Type _) [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M]
open Ideal
-- chain of primes
#check height
lemma lt_height_iff {𝔭 : PrimeSpectrum R} {n : ℕ∞} :
height 𝔭 > n ↔ ∃ c : List (PrimeSpectrum R), c ∈ {I : PrimeSpectrum R | I < 𝔭}.subchain ∧ c.length = n + 1 := sorry
lemma lt_height_iff' {𝔭 : PrimeSpectrum R} {n : ℕ∞} :
height 𝔭 > n ↔ ∃ c : List (PrimeSpectrum R), c.Chain' (· < ·) ∧ (∀ 𝔮 ∈ c, 𝔮 < 𝔭) ∧ c.length = n + 1 := by
rcases n with _ | n
. constructor <;> intro h <;> exfalso
. exact (not_le.mpr h) le_top
. -- change ∃c, _ ∧ _ ∧ ((List.length c : ℕ∞) = + 1) at h
-- rw [WithTop.top_add] at h
have (m : ℕ∞) : m > some n ↔ m ≥ some (n + 1) := by
show (n + 1 ≤ m ↔ _ )
apply ENat.add_one_le_iff
exact ENat.coe_ne_top _
rw [this]
unfold Ideal.height
show ((↑(n + 1):ℕ∞) ≤ _) ↔ ∃c, _ ∧ _ ∧ ((_ : WithTop ) = (_:ℕ∞))
rw [{J | J < 𝔭}.le_chainHeight_iff]
show (∃ c, (List.Chain' _ c ∧ ∀𝔮, 𝔮 ∈ c → 𝔮 < 𝔭) ∧ _) ↔ _
-- have h := fun (c : List (PrimeSpectrum R)) => (@WithTop.coe_eq_coe _ (List.length c) n)
constructor <;> rintro ⟨c, hc⟩ <;> use c --<;> tauto--<;> exact ⟨hc.1, by tauto⟩
. --rw [and_assoc]
-- show _ ∧ _ ∧ _
--exact ⟨hc.1, _⟩
. change _ ∧ _ ∧ (List.length c : ℕ∞) = n + 1 at hc
norm_cast at hc
lemma lt_height_iff'' {𝔭 : PrimeSpectrum R} {n : ℕ∞} :
height 𝔭 > (n : WithBot ℕ∞) ↔ ∃ c : List (PrimeSpectrum R), c.Chain' (· < ·) ∧ (∀ 𝔮 ∈ c, 𝔮 < 𝔭) ∧ c.length = n + 1 := by
show (_ < _) ↔ _
rw [WithBot.coe_lt_coe]
exact lt_height_iff' _
lemma height_le_iff {𝔭 : PrimeSpectrum R} {n : ℕ∞} :
height 𝔭 ≤ n ↔ ∀ c : List (PrimeSpectrum R), c ∈ {I : PrimeSpectrum R | I < 𝔭}.subchain ∧ c.length = n + 1 := by
lemma krullDim_nonneg_of_nontrivial [Nontrivial R] : ∃ n : ℕ∞, Ideal.krullDim R = n := by
have h := dim_eq_bot_iff.not.mpr (not_subsingleton R)
lift (Ideal.krullDim R) to ℕ∞ using h with k
use k
-- lemma krullDim_le_iff' (R : Type _) [CommRing R] {n : WithBot ℕ∞} :
-- Ideal.krullDim R ≤ n ↔ (∀ c : List (PrimeSpectrum R), c.Chain' (· < ·) → c.length ≤ n + 1) := by
-- sorry
-- lemma krullDim_ge_iff' (R : Type _) [CommRing R] {n : WithBot ℕ∞} :
-- Ideal.krullDim R ≥ n ↔ ∃ c : List (PrimeSpectrum R), c.Chain' (· < ·) ∧ c.length = n + 1 := sorry
lemma primeSpectrum_empty_of_subsingleton (x : PrimeSpectrum R) [Subsingleton R] : False :=
x.1.ne_top_iff_one.1 x.2.1 <| Eq.substr (Subsingleton.elim 1 (0 : R)) x.1.zero_mem
lemma primeSpectrum_empty_iff : IsEmpty (PrimeSpectrum R) ↔ Subsingleton R := by
. contrapose
rw [not_isEmpty_iff, ←not_nontrivial_iff_subsingleton, not_not]
apply PrimeSpectrum.instNonemptyPrimeSpectrum
. intro h
by_contra hneg
rw [not_isEmpty_iff] at hneg
rcases hneg with ⟨a, ha⟩
exact primeSpectrum_empty_of_subsingleton R ⟨a, ha⟩
/-- A ring has Krull dimension -∞ if and only if it is the zero ring -/
lemma dim_eq_bot_iff : krullDim R = ⊥ ↔ Subsingleton R := by
unfold Ideal.krullDim
rw [←primeSpectrum_empty_iff, iSup_eq_bot]
constructor <;> intro h
. rw [←not_nonempty_iff]
rintro ⟨a, ha⟩
specialize h ⟨a, ha⟩
. rw [h.forall_iff]
#check (sorry : False)
#check (sorryAx)
#check (4 : WithBot ℕ∞)
#check List.sum
#check (_ ∈ (_ : List _))
variable (α : Type )
#synth Membership α (List α)
#check bot_lt_iff_ne_bot
-- #check ((4 : ℕ∞) : WithBot (WithTop ))
-- #check ( (Set.chainHeight s) : WithBot (ℕ∞))
/-- The converse of this is false, because the definition of "dimension ≤ 1" in mathlib
applies only to dimension zero rings and domains of dimension 1. -/
lemma dim_le_one_of_dimLEOne : Ring.DimensionLEOne R → krullDim R ≤ (1 : ) := by
rw [krullDim_le_iff R 1]
-- unfold Ring.DimensionLEOne
intro H p
-- have Hp := H p.asIdeal
-- have Hp := fun h => (Hp h) p.IsPrime
apply le_of_not_gt
intro h
rcases ((lt_height_iff'' R).mp h) with ⟨c, ⟨hc1, hc2, hc3⟩⟩
norm_cast at hc3
rw [List.chain'_iff_get] at hc1
specialize hc1 0 (by rw [hc3]; simp)
-- generalize hq0 : List.get _ _ = q0 at hc1
set q0 : PrimeSpectrum R := List.get c { val := 0, isLt := _ }
set q1 : PrimeSpectrum R := List.get c { val := 1, isLt := _ }
-- have hq0 : q0 ∈ c := List.get_mem _ _ _
-- have hq1 : q1 ∈ c := List.get_mem _ _ _
specialize hc2 q1 (List.get_mem _ _ _)
-- have aa := (bot_le : (⊥ : Ideal R) ≤ q0.asIdeal)
change q0.asIdeal < q1.asIdeal at hc1
have q1nbot := Trans.trans (bot_le : ⊥ ≤ q0.asIdeal) hc1
specialize H q1.asIdeal ( q1nbot) q1.IsPrime
-- change q1.asIdeal < p.asIdeal at hc2
apply IsPrime.ne_top p.IsPrime
apply (IsCoatom.lt_iff H.out).mp
exact hc2
--refine radical_eq_top (?_ (id (Eq.symm hc3)))
end Krull
section iSupWithBot
variable {α : Type _} [CompleteSemilatticeSup α] {I : Type _} (f : I → α)
#synth SupSet (WithBot ℕ∞)
protected lemma WithBot.iSup_ge_coe_iff {a : α} :
(a ≤ ⨆ i : I, (f i : WithBot α) ) ↔ ∃ i : I, f i ≥ a := by
rw [WithBot.coe_le_iff]
end iSupWithBot
section myGreatElab
open Lean Meta Elab
syntax (name := lhsStx) "lhs% " term:max : term
syntax (name := rhsStx) "rhs% " term:max : term
@[term_elab lhsStx, term_elab rhsStx]
def elabLhsStx : Term.TermElab := fun stx expectedType? =>
match stx with
| `(lhs% $t) => do
let (lhs, _, eq) ← mkExpected expectedType?
discard <| Term.elabTermEnsuringType t eq
return lhs
| `(rhs% $t) => do
let (_, rhs, eq) ← mkExpected expectedType?
discard <| Term.elabTermEnsuringType t eq
return rhs
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
mkExpected expectedType? := do
let α
if let some expectedType := expectedType? then
pure expectedType
let lhs ← mkFreshExprMVar α
let rhs ← mkFreshExprMVar α
let u ← getLevel α
let eq := mkAppN (.const ``Eq [u]) #[α, lhs, rhs]
return (lhs, rhs, eq)
#check lhs% (add_comm 1 2)
#check rhs% (add_comm 1 2)
#check lhs% (add_comm _ _ : _ = 1 + 2)
example (x y : α) (h : x = y) : lhs% h = rhs% h := h
def lhsOf {α : Sort _} {x y : α} (h : x = y) : α := x
#check lhsOf (add_comm 1 2)

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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Operations
import Mathlib.RingTheory.JacobsonIdeal
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Noetherian
import Mathlib.Order.KrullDimension
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Artinian
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Nilpotent
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Maximal
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Noetherian
import Mathlib.Data.Finite.Defs
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.AtPrime
import Mathlib.Order.ConditionallyCompleteLattice.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Pi
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Finiteness
namespace Ideal
variable (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (P : PrimeSpectrum R)
noncomputable def height : ℕ∞ := Set.chainHeight {J : PrimeSpectrum R | J < P}
noncomputable def krullDim (R : Type) [CommRing R] :
WithBot ℕ∞ := ⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), height R I
-- Stacks Lemma 10.26.1 (Should already exists)
-- (1) The closure of a prime P is V(P)
-- (2) the irreducible closed subsets are V(P) for P prime
-- (3) the irreducible components are V(P) for P minimal prime
-- Stacks Definition 10.32.1: An ideal is locally nilpotent
-- if every element is nilpotent
class IsLocallyNilpotent (I : Ideal R) : Prop :=
h : ∀ x ∈ I, IsNilpotent x
#check Ideal.IsLocallyNilpotent
end Ideal
-- Repeats the definition of the length of a module by Monalisa
variable (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (I J : Ideal R)
variable (M : Type _) [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M]
-- change the definition of length of a module
namespace Module
noncomputable def length := Set.chainHeight {M' : Submodule R M | M' < }
end Module
-- Stacks Lemma 10.31.5: R is Noetherian iff Spec(R) is a Noetherian space
example [IsNoetherianRing R] :
TopologicalSpace.NoetherianSpace (PrimeSpectrum R) :=
instance ring_Noetherian_of_spec_Noetherian
[TopologicalSpace.NoetherianSpace (PrimeSpectrum R)] :
IsNoetherianRing R where
noetherian := by sorry
lemma ring_Noetherian_iff_spec_Noetherian : IsNoetherianRing R
↔ TopologicalSpace.NoetherianSpace (PrimeSpectrum R) := by
intro RisNoetherian
-- how do I apply an instance to prove one direction?
-- Use TopologicalSpace.NoetherianSpace.exists_finset_irreducible :
-- Every closed subset of a noetherian space is a finite union
-- of irreducible closed subsets.
-- Stacks Lemma 10.32.5: R Noetherian. I,J ideals.
-- If J ⊂ √I, then J ^ n ⊂ I for some n. In particular, locally nilpotent
-- and nilpotent are the same for Noetherian rings
lemma containment_radical_power_containment :
IsNoetherianRing R ∧ J ≤ Ideal.radical I → ∃ n : , J ^ n ≤ I := by
rintro ⟨RisNoetherian, containment⟩
rw [isNoetherianRing_iff_ideal_fg] at RisNoetherian
specialize RisNoetherian (Ideal.radical I)
-- rcases RisNoetherian with ⟨S, Sgenerates⟩
have containment2 : ∃ n : , (Ideal.radical I) ^ n ≤ I := by
apply Ideal.exists_radical_pow_le_of_fg I RisNoetherian
cases' containment2 with n containment2'
have containment3 : J ^ n ≤ (Ideal.radical I) ^ n := by
apply Ideal.pow_mono containment
use n
apply le_trans containment3 containment2'
-- The above can be proven using the following quicker theorem that is in the wrong place.
-- Ideal.exists_pow_le_of_le_radical_of_fG
-- Stacks Lemma 10.52.6: I is a maximal ideal and IM = 0. Then length of M is
-- the same as the dimension as a vector space over R/I,
lemma length_eq_dim_if_maximal_annihilates {I : Ideal R} [Ideal.IsMaximal I]
: I • ( : Submodule R M) = 0
→ Module.length R M = Module.rank RI M(I • ( : Submodule R M)) := by sorry
-- Does lean know that M/IM is a R/I module?
-- Stacks Lemma 10.52.8: I is a finitely generated maximal ideal of R.
-- M is a finite R-mod and I^nM=0. Then length of M is finite.
lemma power_zero_finite_length : Ideal.FG I → Ideal.IsMaximal I → Module.Finite R M
→ (∃ n : , (I ^ n) • ( : Submodule R M) = 0)
→ (∃ m : , Module.length R M ≤ m) := by
intro IisFG IisMaximal MisFinite power
rcases power with ⟨n, npower⟩
-- how do I get a generating set?
-- Stacks Lemma 10.53.3: R is Artinian iff R has finitely many maximal ideals
lemma IsArtinian_iff_finite_max_ideal :
IsArtinianRing R ↔ Finite (MaximalSpectrum R) := by sorry
-- Stacks Lemma 10.53.4: R Artinian => Jacobson ideal of R is nilpotent
lemma Jacobson_of_Artinian_is_nilpotent :
IsArtinianRing R → IsNilpotent (Ideal.jacobson ( : Ideal R)) := by sorry
-- Stacks Lemma 10.53.5: If R has finitely many maximal ideals and
-- locally nilpotent Jacobson radical, then R is the product of its localizations at
-- its maximal ideals. Also, all primes are maximal
-- lemma product_of_localization_at_maximal_ideal : Finite (MaximalSpectrum R)
-- ∧
def jaydensRing : Type _ := sorry
-- ∀ I : MaximalSpectrum R, Localization.AtPrime R I
instance : CommRing jaydensRing := sorry -- this should come for free, don't even need to state it
def foo : jaydensRing ≃+* R where
toFun := _
invFun := _
left_inv := _
right_inv := _
map_mul' := _
map_add' := _
-- Ideal.IsLocallyNilpotent (Ideal.jacobson ( : Ideal R)) →
-- Pi.commRing (MaximalSpectrum R) Localization.AtPrime R I
-- := by sorry
-- Haven't finished this.
-- Stacks Lemma 10.53.6: R is Artinian iff R has finite length as an R-mod
lemma IsArtinian_iff_finite_length :
IsArtinianRing R ↔ (∃ n : , Module.length R R ≤ n) := by sorry
-- Lemma: if R has finite length as R-mod, then R is Noetherian
lemma finite_length_is_Noetherian :
(∃ n : , Module.length R R ≤ n) → IsNoetherianRing R := by sorry
-- Lemma: if R is Artinian then all the prime ideals are maximal
lemma primes_of_Artinian_are_maximal :
IsArtinianRing R → Ideal.IsPrime I → Ideal.IsMaximal I := by sorry
-- Lemma: Krull dimension of a ring is the supremum of height of maximal ideals
-- Stacks Lemma 10.60.5: R is Artinian iff R is Noetherian of dimension 0
lemma dim_zero_Noetherian_iff_Artinian (R : Type _) [CommRing R] :
IsNoetherianRing R ∧ Ideal.krullDim R = 0 ↔ IsArtinianRing R := by
intro RisArtinian
apply finite_length_is_Noetherian
rwa [IsArtinian_iff_finite_length] at RisArtinian

CommAlg/krull.lean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Operations
import Mathlib.RingTheory.FiniteType
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.RingTheory.PrincipalIdealDomain
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.AtPrime
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.ConditionallyCompleteLattice.Basic
/- This file contains the definitions of height of an ideal, and the krull
dimension of a commutative ring.
There are also sorried statements of many of the theorems that would be
really nice to prove.
I'm imagining for this file to ultimately contain basic API for height and
krull dimension, and the theorems will probably end up other files,
depending on how long the proofs are, and what extra API needs to be
namespace Ideal
open LocalRing
variable {R : Type _} [CommRing R] (I : PrimeSpectrum R)
noncomputable def height : ℕ∞ := Set.chainHeight {J : PrimeSpectrum R | J < I}
noncomputable def krullDim (R : Type _) [CommRing R] : WithBot ℕ∞ := ⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), height I
lemma height_def : height I = Set.chainHeight {J : PrimeSpectrum R | J < I} := rfl
lemma krullDim_def (R : Type _) [CommRing R] : krullDim R = (⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), height I : WithBot ℕ∞) := rfl
lemma krullDim_def' (R : Type _) [CommRing R] : krullDim R = iSup (λ I : PrimeSpectrum R => (height I : WithBot ℕ∞)) := rfl
noncomputable instance : CompleteLattice (WithBot (ℕ∞)) := WithBot.WithTop.completeLattice
lemma height_le_of_le {I J : PrimeSpectrum R} (I_le_J : I ≤ J) : height I ≤ height J := by
apply Set.chainHeight_mono
intro J' hJ'
show J' < J
exact lt_of_lt_of_le hJ' I_le_J
lemma krullDim_le_iff (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (n : ) :
krullDim R ≤ n ↔ ∀ I : PrimeSpectrum R, (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) ≤ ↑n := iSup_le_iff (α := WithBot ℕ∞)
lemma krullDim_le_iff' (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (n : ℕ∞) :
krullDim R ≤ n ↔ ∀ I : PrimeSpectrum R, (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) ≤ ↑n := iSup_le_iff (α := WithBot ℕ∞)
lemma le_krullDim_iff (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (n : ) :
n ≤ krullDim R ↔ ∃ I : PrimeSpectrum R, n ≤ (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) := by sorry
lemma le_krullDim_iff' (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (n : ℕ∞) :
n ≤ krullDim R ↔ ∃ I : PrimeSpectrum R, n ≤ (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) := by sorry
lemma height_le_krullDim (I : PrimeSpectrum R) : height I ≤ krullDim R :=
le_iSup (λ I : PrimeSpectrum R => (height I : WithBot ℕ∞)) I
lemma krullDim_eq_height [LocalRing R] : krullDim R = height (closedPoint R) := by
apply le_antisymm
. rw [krullDim_le_iff']
intro I
apply WithBot.coe_mono
apply height_le_of_le
apply le_maximalIdeal
exact I.2.1
. simp
#check height_le_krullDim
--some propositions that would be nice to be able to eventually
lemma primeSpectrum_empty_of_subsingleton (x : PrimeSpectrum R) [Subsingleton R] : False :=
x.1.ne_top_iff_one.1 x.2.1 <| Eq.substr (Subsingleton.elim 1 (0 : R)) x.1.zero_mem
lemma primeSpectrum_empty_iff : IsEmpty (PrimeSpectrum R) ↔ Subsingleton R := by
. contrapose
rw [not_isEmpty_iff, ←not_nontrivial_iff_subsingleton, not_not]
apply PrimeSpectrum.instNonemptyPrimeSpectrum
. intro h
by_contra hneg
rw [not_isEmpty_iff] at hneg
rcases hneg with ⟨a, ha⟩
exact primeSpectrum_empty_of_subsingleton ⟨a, ha⟩
/-- A ring has Krull dimension -∞ if and only if it is the zero ring -/
lemma dim_eq_bot_iff : krullDim R = ⊥ ↔ Subsingleton R := by
unfold Ideal.krullDim
rw [←primeSpectrum_empty_iff, iSup_eq_bot]
constructor <;> intro h
. rw [←not_nonempty_iff]
rintro ⟨a, ha⟩
specialize h ⟨a, ha⟩
. rw [h.forall_iff]
lemma krullDim_nonneg_of_nontrivial (R : Type _) [CommRing R] [Nontrivial R] : ∃ n : ℕ∞, Ideal.krullDim R = n := by
have h := dim_eq_bot_iff.not.mpr (not_subsingleton R)
lift (Ideal.krullDim R) to ℕ∞ using h with k
use k
lemma dim_eq_zero_iff [Nontrivial R] : krullDim R = 0 ↔ ∀ I : PrimeSpectrum R, IsMaximal I.asIdeal := by
constructor <;> intro h
. intro I
. sorry
lemma field_prime_bot {K: Type _} [Field K] (P : Ideal K) : IsPrime P ↔ P = ⊥ := by
· intro primeP
obtain T := eq_bot_or_top P
have : ¬P = := IsPrime.ne_top primeP
· intro botP
rw [botP]
exact bot_prime
lemma field_prime_height_zero {K: Type _} [Field K] (P : PrimeSpectrum K) : height P = 0 := by
unfold height
by_contra spec
change _ ≠ _ at spec
rw [← Set.nonempty_iff_ne_empty] at spec
obtain ⟨J, JlP : J < P⟩ := spec
have P0 : IsPrime P.asIdeal := P.IsPrime
have J0 : IsPrime J.asIdeal := J.IsPrime
rw [field_prime_bot] at P0 J0
have : J.asIdeal = P.asIdeal := Eq.trans J0 (Eq.symm P0)
have : J = P := PrimeSpectrum.ext J P this
have : J ≠ P := ne_of_lt JlP
lemma dim_field_eq_zero {K : Type _} [Field K] : krullDim K = 0 := by
unfold krullDim
simp [field_prime_height_zero]
lemma isField.dim_zero {D: Type _} [CommRing D] [IsDomain D] (h: krullDim D = 0) : IsField D := by
by_contra x
rw [Ring.not_isField_iff_exists_prime] at x
obtain ⟨P, ⟨h1, primeP⟩⟩ := x
let P' : PrimeSpectrum D := P primeP
have h2 : P' ≠ ⊥ := by
by_contra a
have : P = ⊥ := by rwa [PrimeSpectrum.ext_iff] at a
have pos_height : ¬ (height P') ≤ 0 := by
have : ⊥ ∈ {J | J < P'} := Ne.bot_lt h2
have : {J | J < P'}.Nonempty := Set.nonempty_of_mem this
unfold height
rw [←Set.one_le_chainHeight_iff] at this
exact not_le_of_gt ( ENat.one_le_iff_pos this)
have nonpos_height : height P' ≤ 0 := by
have := height_le_krullDim P'
rw [h] at this
lemma dim_eq_zero_iff_field {D: Type _} [CommRing D] [IsDomain D] : krullDim D = 0 ↔ IsField D := by
· exact isField.dim_zero
· intro fieldD
let h : Field D := IsField.toField fieldD
exact dim_field_eq_zero
#check Ring.DimensionLEOne
-- This lemma is false!
lemma dim_le_one_iff : krullDim R ≤ 1 ↔ Ring.DimensionLEOne R := sorry
lemma lt_height_iff' {𝔭 : PrimeSpectrum R} {n : ℕ∞} :
height 𝔭 > n ↔ ∃ c : List (PrimeSpectrum R), c.Chain' (· < ·) ∧ (∀ 𝔮 ∈ c, 𝔮 < 𝔭) ∧ c.length = n + 1 := by
rcases n with _ | n
. constructor <;> intro h <;> exfalso
. exact (not_le.mpr h) le_top
. tauto
have (m : ℕ∞) : m > some n ↔ m ≥ some (n + 1) := by
show (n + 1 ≤ m ↔ _ )
apply ENat.add_one_le_iff
exact ENat.coe_ne_top _
rw [this]
unfold Ideal.height
show ((↑(n + 1):ℕ∞) ≤ _) ↔ ∃c, _ ∧ _ ∧ ((_ : WithTop ) = (_:ℕ∞))
rw [{J | J < 𝔭}.le_chainHeight_iff]
show (∃ c, (List.Chain' _ c ∧ ∀𝔮, 𝔮 ∈ c → 𝔮 < 𝔭) ∧ _) ↔ _
constructor <;> rintro ⟨c, hc⟩ <;> use c
. tauto
. change _ ∧ _ ∧ (List.length c : ℕ∞) = n + 1 at hc
norm_cast at hc
lemma lt_height_iff'' {𝔭 : PrimeSpectrum R} {n : ℕ∞} :
height 𝔭 > (n : WithBot ℕ∞) ↔ ∃ c : List (PrimeSpectrum R), c.Chain' (· < ·) ∧ (∀ 𝔮 ∈ c, 𝔮 < 𝔭) ∧ c.length = n + 1 := by
show (_ < _) ↔ _
rw [WithBot.coe_lt_coe]
exact lt_height_iff'
/-- The converse of this is false, because the definition of "dimension ≤ 1" in mathlib
applies only to dimension zero rings and domains of dimension 1. -/
lemma dim_le_one_of_dimLEOne : Ring.DimensionLEOne R → krullDim R ≤ (1 : ) := by
rw [krullDim_le_iff R 1]
intro H p
apply le_of_not_gt
intro h
rcases (lt_height_iff''.mp h) with ⟨c, ⟨hc1, hc2, hc3⟩⟩
norm_cast at hc3
rw [List.chain'_iff_get] at hc1
specialize hc1 0 (by rw [hc3]; simp)
set q0 : PrimeSpectrum R := List.get c { val := 0, isLt := _ }
set q1 : PrimeSpectrum R := List.get c { val := 1, isLt := _ }
specialize hc2 q1 (List.get_mem _ _ _)
change q0.asIdeal < q1.asIdeal at hc1
have q1nbot := Trans.trans (bot_le : ⊥ ≤ q0.asIdeal) hc1
specialize H q1.asIdeal ( q1nbot) q1.IsPrime
apply IsPrime.ne_top p.IsPrime
apply (IsCoatom.lt_iff H.out).mp
exact hc2
lemma dim_le_one_of_pid [IsDomain R] [IsPrincipalIdealRing R] : krullDim R ≤ 1 := by
rw [dim_le_one_iff]
exact Ring.DimensionLEOne.principal_ideal_ring R
lemma dim_le_dim_polynomial_add_one [Nontrivial R] :
krullDim R + 1 ≤ krullDim (Polynomial R) := sorry
lemma dim_eq_dim_polynomial_add_one [Nontrivial R] [IsNoetherianRing R] :
krullDim R + 1 = krullDim (Polynomial R) := sorry
lemma height_eq_dim_localization :
height I = krullDim (Localization.AtPrime I.asIdeal) := sorry
lemma height_add_dim_quotient_le_dim : height I + krullDim (R I.asIdeal) ≤ krullDim R := sorry

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@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import Mathlib.Order.KrullDimension
import Mathlib.Order.JordanHolder
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Operations
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Finsupp
import Mathlib.RingTheory.GradedAlgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.GradedAlgebra.HomogeneousIdeal
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.GradedModule
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.AssociatedPrime
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Noetherian
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Artinian
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.GradedModule
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Noetherian
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Finiteness
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Operations
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.FiniteType
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.RingTheory.PrincipalIdealDomain
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.AtPrime
import Mathlib.Order.ConditionallyCompleteLattice.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.DirectSum.Ring
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.LocalRing
import Mathlib
import Mathlib.Algebra.MonoidAlgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Sort
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.Order.KrullDimension
import Mathlib.Order.JordanHolder
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Operations
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Finsupp
import Mathlib.RingTheory.GradedAlgebra.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.GradedAlgebra.HomogeneousIdeal
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.GradedModule
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.AssociatedPrime
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Noetherian
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Artinian
import Mathlib.Algebra.Module.GradedModule
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Noetherian
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Finiteness
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Operations
noncomputable def length ( A : Type _) (M : Type _)
[CommRing A] [AddCommGroup M] [Module A M] := Set.chainHeight {M' : Submodule A M | M' < }
def HomogeneousPrime { A σ : Type _} [CommRing A] [SetLike σ A] [AddSubmonoidClass σ A] (𝒜 : σ) [GradedRing 𝒜] (I : Ideal A):= (Ideal.IsPrime I) ∧ (Ideal.IsHomogeneous 𝒜 I)
def HomogeneousMax { A σ : Type _} [CommRing A] [SetLike σ A] [AddSubmonoidClass σ A] (𝒜 : σ) [GradedRing 𝒜] (I : Ideal A):= (Ideal.IsMaximal I) ∧ (Ideal.IsHomogeneous 𝒜 I)
--theorem monotone_stabilizes_iff_noetherian :
-- (∀ f : →o Submodule R M, ∃ n, ∀ m, n ≤ m → f n = f m) ↔ IsNoetherian R M := by
-- rw [isNoetherian_iff_wellFounded, WellFounded.monotone_chain_condition]
open GradedMonoid.GSmul
open DirectSum
instance tada1 (𝒜 : → Type _) (𝓜 : → Type _) [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝒜 i)] [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝓜 i)] [DirectSum.GCommRing 𝒜]
[DirectSum.Gmodule 𝒜 𝓜] (i : ) : SMul (𝒜 0) (𝓜 i)
where smul x y := @Eq.rec (0+i) (fun a _ => 𝓜 a) (GradedMonoid.GSmul.smul x y) i (zero_add i)
lemma mylem (𝒜 : → Type _) (𝓜 : → Type _) [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝒜 i)] [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝓜 i)] [DirectSum.GCommRing 𝒜]
[h : DirectSum.Gmodule 𝒜 𝓜] (i : ) (a : 𝒜 0) (m : 𝓜 i) :
of _ _ (a • m) = of _ _ a • of _ _ m := by
refine' Eq.trans _ (Gmodule.of_smul_of 𝒜 𝓜 a m).symm
refine' of_eq_of_gradedMonoid_eq _
exact Sigma.ext (zero_add _).symm <| eq_rec_heq _ _
instance tada2 (𝒜 : → Type _) (𝓜 : → Type _) [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝒜 i)] [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝓜 i)] [DirectSum.GCommRing 𝒜]
[h : DirectSum.Gmodule 𝒜 𝓜] (i : ) : SMulWithZero (𝒜 0) (𝓜 i) := by
letI := SMulWithZero.compHom (⨁ i, 𝓜 i) (of 𝒜 0).toZeroHom
exact Function.Injective.smulWithZero (of 𝓜 i).toZeroHom Dfinsupp.single_injective (mylem 𝒜 𝓜 i)
instance tada3 (𝒜 : → Type _) (𝓜 : → Type _) [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝒜 i)] [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝓜 i)] [DirectSum.GCommRing 𝒜]
[h : DirectSum.Gmodule 𝒜 𝓜] (i : ): Module (𝒜 0) (𝓜 i) := by
letI := Module.compHom (⨁ j, 𝓜 j) (ofZeroRingHom 𝒜)
exact Dfinsupp.single_injective.module (𝒜 0) (of 𝓜 i) (mylem 𝒜 𝓜 i)
-- (art: IsArtinianRing (𝒜 0)) (loc : LocalRing (𝒜 0))
noncomputable def dummyhil_function (𝒜 : → Type _) (𝓜 : → Type _) [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝒜 i)] [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝓜 i)]
[DirectSum.GCommRing 𝒜]
[DirectSum.Gmodule 𝒜 𝓜] (hilb : → ℕ∞) := ∀ i, hilb i = (length (𝒜 0) (𝓜 i))
lemma hilbertz (𝒜 : → Type _) (𝓜 : → Type _) [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝒜 i)] [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝓜 i)]
[DirectSum.GCommRing 𝒜]
[DirectSum.Gmodule 𝒜 𝓜]
(finlen : ∀ i, (length (𝒜 0) (𝓜 i)) < ) : := by
intro i
let h := dummyhil_function 𝒜 𝓜
simp at h
let n : := fun i ↦ WithTop.untop _ (finlen i).ne
have hn : ∀ i, (n i : ℕ∞) = length (𝒜 0) (𝓜 i) := fun i ↦ WithTop.coe_untop _ _
have' := hn i
exact ((n i) : )
noncomputable def hilbert_function (𝒜 : → Type _) (𝓜 : → Type _) [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝒜 i)] [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝓜 i)]
[DirectSum.GCommRing 𝒜]
[DirectSum.Gmodule 𝒜 𝓜] (hilb : ) := ∀ i, hilb i = (ENat.toNat (length (𝒜 0) (𝓜 i)))
noncomputable def dimensionring { A: Type _}
[CommRing A] := krullDim (PrimeSpectrum A)
noncomputable def dimensionmodule ( A : Type _) (M : Type _)
[CommRing A] [AddCommGroup M] [Module A M] := krullDim (PrimeSpectrum (A (( : Submodule A M).annihilator)) )
-- lemma graded_local (𝒜 : → Type _) [SetLike (⨁ i, 𝒜 i)] (𝓜 : → Type _) [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝒜 i)] [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝓜 i)]
-- [DirectSum.GCommRing 𝒜]
-- [DirectSum.Gmodule 𝒜 𝓜] (art: IsArtinianRing (𝒜 0)) (loc : LocalRing (𝒜 0)) : ∃ ( I : Ideal ((⨁ i, 𝒜 i))),(HomogeneousMax 𝒜 I) := sorry
def PolyType (f : ) (d : ) := ∃ Poly : Polynomial , ∃ (N : ), ∀ (n : ), N ≤ n → f n = Polynomial.eval (n : ) Poly ∧ d = Poly
theorem hilbert_polynomial (𝒜 : → Type _) (𝓜 : → Type _) [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝒜 i)] [∀ i, AddCommGroup (𝓜 i)]
[DirectSum.GCommRing 𝒜]
[DirectSum.Gmodule 𝒜 𝓜] (art: IsArtinianRing (𝒜 0)) (loc : LocalRing (𝒜 0)) (fingen : IsNoetherian (⨁ i, 𝒜 i) (⨁ i, 𝓜 i))
(findim : ∃ d : , dimensionmodule (⨁ i, 𝒜 i) (⨁ i, 𝓜 i) = d):True := sorry
-- Semiring A]
-- variable [SetLike σ A]

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
We don't want to reinvent the wheel, but finding
things in Mathlib can be pretty annoying. This is
a temporary file intended to be a dumping ground for
useful lemmas and definitions
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Noetherian
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Artinian
import Mathlib.RingTheory.FiniteType
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.RingTheory.MvPolynomial.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Over
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortExact.Abelian
variable {R M : Type _} [CommRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M]
--ideals are defined
#check Ideal R
variable (I : Ideal R)
--as are prime and maximal (they are defined as typeclasses)
#check (I.IsPrime)
#check (I.IsMaximal)
--a module being Noetherian is also a class
#check IsNoetherian M
#check IsNoetherian I
--a ring is Noetherian if it is Noetherian as a module over itself
#check IsNoetherianRing R
--ditto for Artinian
#check IsArtinian M
#check IsArtinianRing R
--I can't find the theorem that an Artinian ring is noetherian. That could be a good
--thing to add at some point
--Here's the main defintion that will be helpful
#check Set.chainHeight
--this is the polynomial ring R[x]
#check Polynomial R
--this is the polynomial ring with variables indexed by
#check MvPolynomial R
--hopefully there's good communication between them
--There's a preliminary version of the going up theorem
#check Ideal.exists_ideal_over_prime_of_isIntegral
--Theorems relating primes of a ring to primes of its localization
#check PrimeSpectrum.localization_comap_injective
#check PrimeSpectrum.localization_comap_range
--Theorems relating primes of a ring to primes of a quotient
#check PrimeSpectrum.range_comap_of_surjective
--There's a lot of theorems about finite-type algebras
#check Algebra.FiniteType.polynomial
#check Algebra.FiniteType.mvPolynomial
#check Algebra.FiniteType.of_surjective
-- There is a notion of short exact sequences but the number of theorems are lacking
-- For example, I couldn't find anything saying that for a ses 0 -> A -> B -> C -> 0
-- of R-modules, A and C being FG implies that B is FG
open CategoryTheory CategoryTheory.Limits CategoryTheory.Preadditive
variable {𝒜 : Type _} [Category 𝒜] [Abelian 𝒜]
variable {A B C : 𝒜} {f : A ⟶ B} {g : B ⟶ C} {h : LeftSplit f g} {h' : RightSplit f g}
#check ShortExact
#check ShortExact f g
-- There are some notion of splitting as well
#check Splitting
#check LeftSplit
#check LeftSplit f g
-- And there is a theorem that left split implies splitting
#check LeftSplit.splitting
#check LeftSplit.splitting h
-- Similar things are there for RightSplit as well
#check RightSplit.splitting
#check RightSplit.splitting h'
-- There's also a theorem about ismorphisms between short exact sequences
#check isIso_of_shortExact_of_isIso_of_isIso

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Noetherian
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Artinian
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.DVR
lemma FieldisArtinian (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (IsField : ):= by sorry
lemma ArtinianDomainIsField (R : Type _) [CommRing R] [IsDomain R]
(IsArt : IsArtinianRing R) : IsField (R) := by
-- Assume P is nonzero and R is Artinian
-- Localize at P; Then R_P is Artinian;
-- Assume R_P is not a field
-- Then Jacobson Radical of R_P is nilpotent so it's maximal ideal is nilpotent
-- Maximal ideal is zero since local ring is a domain
-- a contradiction since P is nonzero
-- Therefore, R is a field
have maxIdeal := Ideal.exists_maximal R
obtain ⟨m,hm⟩ := maxIdeal
have h:= Ideal.primeCompl_le_nonZeroDivisors m
have artRP : IsDomain _ := IsLocalization.isDomain_localization h
have h' : IsArtinianRing (Localization (Ideal.primeCompl m)) := inferInstance
have h' : IsNilpotent (Ideal.jacobson (⊥ : Ideal (Localization
(Ideal.primeCompl m)))):= IsArtinianRing.isNilpotent_jacobson_bot
have := LocalRing.jacobson_eq_maximalIdeal (⊥ : Ideal (Localization
(Ideal.primeCompl m))) bot_ne_top
rw [this] at h'
have := IsNilpotent.eq_zero h'
rw [Ideal.zero_eq_bot, ← LocalRing.isField_iff_maximalIdeal_eq] at this
by_contra h''
--by_cases h'' : m = ⊥
have := Ring.ne_bot_of_isMaximal_of_not_isField hm h''
have := IsLocalization.AtPrime.not_isField R this (Localization (Ideal.primeCompl m))
#check Ideal.IsPrime
#check IsDomain
lemma isArtinianRing_of_quotient_of_artinian (R : Type _) [CommRing R]
(I : Ideal R) (IsArt : IsArtinianRing R) : IsArtinianRing (R I) :=
isArtinian_of_tower R (isArtinian_of_quotient_of_artinian R R I IsArt)
lemma IsPrimeMaximal (R : Type _) [CommRing R] (P : Ideal R)
(IsArt : IsArtinianRing R) (isPrime : Ideal.IsPrime P) : Ideal.IsMaximal P :=
-- if R is Artinian and P is prime then R/P is Integral Domain
-- which is Artinian Domain
-- RP is a field by the above lemma
-- P is maximal
have : IsDomain (RP) := Ideal.Quotient.isDomain P
have artRP : IsArtinianRing (RP) := by
exact isArtinianRing_of_quotient_of_artinian R P IsArt
-- Then R/I is Artinian
-- have' : IsArtinianRing R ∧ Ideal.IsPrime I → IsDomain (RI) := by
-- RI.IsArtinian → monotone_stabilizes_iff_artinian.RI
-- Use Stacks project proof since it's broken into lemmas

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.Height
import Mathlib.RingTheory.PrincipalIdealDomain
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.AtPrime
import Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.ConditionallyCompleteLattice.Basic
namespace Ideal
variable {R : Type _} [CommRing R] (I : PrimeSpectrum R)
noncomputable def height : ℕ∞ := Set.chainHeight {J : PrimeSpectrum R | J < I}
noncomputable def krullDim (R : Type) [CommRing R] : WithBot ℕ∞ := ⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), height I
lemma height_def : height I = Set.chainHeight {J : PrimeSpectrum R | J < I} := rfl
lemma krullDim_def (R : Type) [CommRing R] : krullDim R = (⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), height I : WithBot ℕ∞) := rfl
lemma krullDim_def' (R : Type) [CommRing R] : krullDim R = iSup (λ I : PrimeSpectrum R => (height I : WithBot ℕ∞)) := rfl
noncomputable instance : CompleteLattice (WithBot (ℕ∞)) := WithBot.WithTop.completeLattice
lemma dim_le_dim_polynomial_add_one [Nontrivial R] :
krullDim R + 1 ≤ krullDim (Polynomial R) := sorry -- Others are working on it
-- private lemma sum_succ_of_succ_sum {ι : Type} (a : ℕ∞) [inst : Nonempty ι] :
-- (⨆ (x : ι), a + 1) = (⨆ (x : ι), a) + 1 := by
-- have : a + 1 = (⨆ (x : ι), a) + 1 := by rw [ciSup_const]
-- have : a + 1 = (⨆ (x : ι), a + 1) := Eq.symm ciSup_const
-- simp
lemma dim_eq_dim_polynomial_add_one [Nontrivial R] [IsNoetherianRing R] :
krullDim R + 1 = krullDim (Polynomial R) := by
rw [le_antisymm_iff]
· exact dim_le_dim_polynomial_add_one
· unfold krullDim
have htPBdd : ∀ (P : PrimeSpectrum (Polynomial R)), (height P : WithBot ℕ∞) ≤ (⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), ↑(height I + 1)) := by
intro P
have : ∃ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), (height P : WithBot ℕ∞) ≤ ↑(height I + 1) := by
obtain ⟨I, IP⟩ := this
have : (↑(height I + 1) : WithBot ℕ∞) ≤ ⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), ↑(height I + 1) := by
apply @le_iSup (WithBot ℕ∞) _ _ _ I
apply ge_trans this IP
have oneOut : (⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), (height I : WithBot ℕ∞) + 1) ≤ (⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), ↑(height I)) + 1 := by
have : ∀ P : PrimeSpectrum R, (height P : WithBot ℕ∞) + 1 ≤ (⨆ (I : PrimeSpectrum R), ↑(height I)) + 1 :=
fun P ↦ (by apply add_le_add_right (@le_iSup (WithBot ℕ∞) _ _ _ P) 1)
apply iSup_le
apply this
intro P
exact ge_trans oneOut (htPBdd P)

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# Commutative algebra in Lean
Welcome to the repository for adding definitions and theorems related to Krull dimension and Hilbert polynomials to mathlib.
We start the commutative algebra project with a list of important definitions and theorems and go from there.
Feel free to add, modify, and expand this file. Below are starting points for the project:
- Definitions of an ideal, prime ideal, and maximal ideal:
def Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Basic.Ideal (R : Type u) [Semiring R] := Submodule R R
class Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Basic.IsPrime (I : Ideal α) : Prop
class IsMaximal (I : Ideal α) : Prop
- Definition of a Spec of a ring: `Mathlib.AlgebraicGeometry.PrimeSpectrum.Basic.PrimeSpectrum`
- Definition of a Noetherian and Artinian rings:
class Mathlib.RingTheory.Noetherian.IsNoetherian (R M) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] : Prop
class Mathlib.RingTheory.Artinian.IsArtinian (R M) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] : Prop
- Definition of a polynomial ring: `Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Basic`
- Definitions of a local ring and quotient ring: `Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient.?`
class Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.LocalRing.LocalRing (R : Type u) [Semiring R] extends Nontrivial R : Prop
- Definition of the chain of prime ideals and the length of these chains
- Definition of the Krull dimension (supremum of the lengh of chain of prime ideal): `Mathlib.Order.KrullDimension.krullDim`
- Krull dimension of a module
- Definition of the height of prime ideal (dimension of A_p): `Mathlib.Order.KrullDimension.height`
Give Examples of each of the above cases for a particular instances of ring
Theorem 0: Hilbert Basis Theorem:
theorem Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Basic.Polynomial.isNoetherianRing [inst : IsNoetherianRing R] : IsNoetherianRing R[X]
Theorem 1: If A is a nonzero ring, then dim A[t] >= dim A +1
Theorem 2: If A is a nonzero noetherian ring, then dim A[t] = dim A + 1
Theorem 3: If A is nonzero ring then dim A_p + dim A/p <= dim A
Lemma 0: A ring is artinian iff it is noetherian of dimension 0.
Definition of a graded module