added eraseBot and API for it

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GTBarkley 2023-06-22 05:30:47 +00:00
parent 1c29411906
commit 1b199d244a

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@ -16,6 +16,18 @@ structure StrictSeries (X : Type u) [LT X] : Type u where
step' : ∀ i : Fin length, (toFun (Fin.castSucc i)) < (toFun (Fin.succ i))
--StrictMono toFun
section List
-- TODO: move this to Mathlib.Data.List.Basic
theorem List.getLast_tail {X : Type _} {l : List X} {h : l.tail ≠ []} :
l.tail.getLast h = l.getLast (fun c => (c ▸ h) List.tail_nil) := by
cases l
. simp
. rw [List.getLast_cons]; simp; assumption
end List
namespace StrictSeries
section FinLemmas
@ -198,17 +210,21 @@ def ofElement (x : X) : StrictSeries X where
toFun _ := x
step' := by simp
theorem length_ofElement (x : X) :
(ofElement x).length = 0 := rfl
theorem toList_ofElement (x : X) : toList (ofElement x) = [x] := by
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := (length_ofElement x ▸ length_toList <| ofElement x)
have := List.eq_of_mem_singleton <| ha ▸ (mem_toList.mpr ⟨0, rfl⟩ : x ∈ toList (ofElement x))
rw [(ha : toList (ofElement x) = _), this]
theorem mem_ofElement (x : X) {y : X} : y ∈ (ofElement x) ↔ y = x := by
rw [←mem_toList, toList_ofElement, List.mem_singleton]
theorem ofList_singleton {x : X} {hne} {hch} : ofList [x] hne hch = ofElement x := by
apply ext_list
rw [toList_ofList, toList_ofElement]
@ -234,6 +250,17 @@ def top (s : StrictSeries X) : X :=
theorem top_mem (s : StrictSeries X) : ∈ s :=
mem_def.2 (Set.mem_range.2 ⟨Fin.last _, rfl⟩)
theorem ofElement_top {x : X} : (ofElement x).top = x := rfl
theorem getLast_toList_eq_top (s : StrictSeries X) : s.toList.getLast s.toList_ne_nil = := by
erw [List.last_ofFn]; rfl
theorem top_ofList {l : List X} {hnn} {hcn} : (ofList l hnn hcn).top = l.getLast hnn := by
rw [←getLast_toList_eq_top]; simp
theorem length_eq_zero_top {s : StrictSeries X} : s.length = 0 ↔ s = ofElement :=
⟨fun h => ofElement_of_length_zero h (top_mem s), fun h => h.symm ▸ length_ofElement _⟩
@ -244,6 +271,9 @@ def bot (s : StrictSeries X) : X :=
theorem bot_mem (s : StrictSeries X) : ∈ s :=
mem_def.2 (Set.mem_range.2 ⟨0, rfl⟩)
theorem ofElement_bot {x : X} : (ofElement x).bot = x := rfl
theorem length_eq_zero_bot {s : StrictSeries X} : s.length = 0 ↔ s = ofElement :=
⟨fun h => ofElement_of_length_zero h (bot_mem s), fun h => h.symm ▸ length_ofElement _⟩
@ -272,6 +302,18 @@ theorem top_eraseTop (s : StrictSeries X) :
theorem bot_eraseTop (s : StrictSeries X) : = :=
def eraseBot (s : StrictSeries X) : StrictSeries X :=
if h : s.length = 0 then s
ofList (s.toList.tail)
(fun hc => h <| s.length_toList ▸ hc ▸ s.toList.length_tail |>.symm) s.chain'_toList.tail
#check Function.invFun
theorem top_eraseBot (s : StrictSeries X) : = :=
if h : s.length = 0 then by rw [eraseBot, dif_pos h]
else by rw [eraseBot, dif_neg h]; simp
/-- Append two composition toFun `s₁` and `s₂` such that
the least element of `s₁` is the maximum element of `s₂`. -/
@[simps length]