// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Sayantan Santra // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT const prepSubdir = (link) => { let thisPage = new URL(window.location.href); let subdir = thisPage.pathname; let out = (subdir + link).replace('//', '/'); console.log(out); return (subdir + link).replace('//', '/'); } const getSiteUrl = async () => { let url = await fetch(prepSubdir("/api/siteurl")) .then(res => res.text()); if (url == "unset") { return window.location.host.replace(/\/$/, ''); } else { return url.replace(/\/$/, '').replace(/^"/, '').replace(/"$/, ''); } } const getVersion = async () => { let ver = await fetch(prepSubdir("/api/version")) .then(res => res.text()); return ver; } const showVersion = async () => { let version = await getVersion(); link = document.getElementById("version-number"); link.innerText = "v" + version; link.href = "https://github.com/SinTan1729/chhoto-url/releases/tag/" + version; link.hidden = false; } const getLogin = async () => { document.getElementById("container").style.filter = "blur(2px)"; document.getElementById("login-dialog").showModal(); document.getElementById("password").focus(); } const refreshData = async () => { let res = await fetch(prepSubdir("/api/all")); if (!res.ok) { let errorMsg = await res.text(); document.getElementById("url-table").innerHTML = ''; console.log(errorMsg); if (errorMsg == "Using public mode.") { document.getElementById("admin-button").hidden = false; loading_text = document.getElementById("loading-text"); loading_text.hidden = true; showVersion(); } else { getLogin(); } } else { let data = await res.json(); displayData(data.reverse()); } } const displayData = async (data) => { showVersion(); let site = await getSiteUrl(); admin_button = document.getElementById("admin-button"); admin_button.innerText = "logout"; admin_button.href = "javascript:logOut()"; admin_button.hidden = false; table_box = document.getElementById("table-box"); loading_text = document.getElementById("loading-text"); const table = document.getElementById("url-table"); if (data.length == 0) { table_box.hidden = true; loading_text.innerHTML = "No active links."; loading_text.hidden = false; } else { loading_text.hidden = true; if (!window.isSecureContext) { const shortUrlHeader = document.getElementById("short-url-header"); shortUrlHeader.innerHTML = "Short URL
(right click and copy)"; } table_box.hidden = false; table.innerHTML = ''; data.forEach(tr => table.appendChild(TR(tr, site))); } } const showAlert = async (text, col) => { document.getElementById("alert-box")?.remove(); const controls = document.getElementById("controls"); const alertBox = document.createElement("p"); alertBox.id = "alert-box"; alertBox.style.color = col; alertBox.innerHTML = text; controls.appendChild(alertBox); } const TR = (row, site) => { const tr = document.createElement("tr"); const longTD = TD(A_LONG(row["longlink"]), "Long URL"); var shortTD = null; var isSafari = /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor); // For now, we disable copying on WebKit due to a possible bug. Manual copying is enabled instead. // Take a look at https://github.com/SinTan1729/chhoto-url/issues/36 if (window.isSecureContext && !(isSafari)) { shortTD = TD(A_SHORT(row["shortlink"], site), "Short URL"); } else { shortTD = TD(A_SHORT_INSECURE(row["shortlink"], site), "Short URL"); } let hitsTD = TD(row["hits"]); hitsTD.setAttribute("label", "Hits"); hitsTD.setAttribute("name", "hitsColumn"); const btn = deleteButton(row["shortlink"]); tr.appendChild(shortTD); tr.appendChild(longTD); tr.appendChild(hitsTD); tr.appendChild(btn); return tr; } const copyShortUrl = async (link) => { const site = await getSiteUrl(); try { navigator.clipboard.writeText(`${site}/${link}`); showAlert(`Short URL ${link} was copied to clipboard!`, "light-dark(green, #72ff72)"); } catch (e) { console.log(e); showAlert(`Could not copy short URL to clipboard, please do it manually: ${site}/${link}`, "light-dark(red, #ff1a1a)"); } } const addProtocol = (input) => { var url = input.value.trim(); if (url != "" && !~url.indexOf("://") && !~url.indexOf("magnet:")) { url = "https://" + url; } input.value = url; return input; } const A_LONG = (s) => `${s}`; const A_SHORT = (s, t) => `${s}`; const A_SHORT_INSECURE = (s, t) => `${s}`; const deleteButton = (shortUrl) => { const td = document.createElement("td"); const div = document.createElement("div"); const btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.innerHTML = "×"; btn.onclick = e => { e.preventDefault(); if (confirm("Do you want to delete the entry " + shortUrl + "?")) { document.getElementById("alert-box")?.remove(); showAlert(" ", "black"); fetch(prepSubdir(`/api/del/${shortUrl}`), { method: "DELETE" }).then(res => { if (res.ok) { console.log("Deleted " + shortUrl); } else { console.log("Unable to delete " + shortUrl); } refreshData(); }); } }; td.setAttribute("name", "deleteBtn"); td.setAttribute("label", "Delete"); div.appendChild(btn); td.appendChild(div); return td; } const TD = (s, u) => { const td = document.createElement("td"); const div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = s; td.appendChild(div); td.setAttribute("label", u); return td; } const submitForm = () => { const form = document.forms.namedItem("new-url-form"); const data = { "longlink": form.elements["longUrl"].value, "shortlink": form.elements["shortUrl"].value, }; const url = prepSubdir("/api/new"); let ok = false; fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(data), }) .then(res => { ok = res.ok; return res.text(); }) .then(text => { if (!ok) { showAlert(text, "light-dark(red, #ff1a1a)"); } else { copyShortUrl(text); longUrl.value = ""; shortUrl.value = ""; refreshData(); } }) } const submitLogin = () => { const password = document.getElementById("password"); fetch(prepSubdir("/api/login"), { method: "POST", body: password.value }).then(res => { if (res.ok) { document.getElementById("container").style.filter = "blur(0px)" document.getElementById("login-dialog").close(); password.value = ''; refreshData(); } else { const wrongPassBox = document.getElementById("wrong-pass"); wrongPassBox.innerHTML = "Wrong password!"; wrongPassBox.style.color = "light-dark(red, #ff1a1a)"; wrongPassBox.hidden = false; password.focus(); } }) } const logOut = async () => { let reply = await fetch(prepSubdir("/api/logout"), {method: "DELETE"}).then(res => res.text()); console.log(reply); document.getElementById("table-box").hidden = true; document.getElementById("loading-text").hidden = false; refreshData(); } (async () => { await refreshData(); const form = document.forms.namedItem("new-url-form"); form.onsubmit = e => { e.preventDefault(); submitForm(); } const login_form = document.forms.namedItem("login-form"); login_form.onsubmit = e => { e.preventDefault(); submitLogin(); } })()