#include #include #include //Just as the name suggests, This app unscrambles any given word using the wordlists provided using namespace std; int main() { ifstream Dictionary("Wordlist (Space Separated).txt"); ifstream Compare("Wordlist (Sorted).txt"); string sDictionary; getline(Dictionary,sDictionary); string sCompare; getline(Compare,sCompare); Start: string s; string temp; cout << "Please enter the jumbled text below \n>"; cin >> s; transform(s.begin(),s.end(),s.begin(),::tolower); sort(s.begin(),s.end()); s=" "+s+" "; long long int pos=-1; int count=0; do { pos=sCompare.find(s,pos+1); if (pos!=string::npos && count==0) {cout <"; cin >> s; if ((s.compare("Y")==0) | (s.compare("y")==0)) {cout << "\n--------------------\n\n"; goto Start;} else { cout << "\nThank you for using!"; Dictionary.close(); Compare.close(); return 0; } }