import logging import re import sys from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional, TypeVar, Union, Any from tinydb import Query from tinydb.table import Table from trakt.movies import Movie from import TVShow from database import userMatchedShowsTable, userMatchedMoviesTable TraktTVShow = TypeVar("TraktTVShow") TraktMovie = TypeVar("TraktMovie") TraktItem = Union[TraktTVShow, TraktMovie] @dataclass class Title: name: str without_year: str year: Optional[int] def __init__(self, title: str, year: Optional[int] = None): """ Creates a Title object. If year is not passed, it tries to parse it from the title. """ = title if year is not None: self.without_year = title self.year = year else: try: # Use a regex expression to get the value within the brackets e.g. The Americans (2017) year_search ="\(([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\)", title) self.year = int( # Then, get the title without the year value included self.without_year = title.split("(")[0].strip() except Exception: # If the above failed, then the title doesn't include a year # so create the value with "defaults" = title self.without_year = title self.year = None def items_with_same_name(self, items: list[TraktItem]) -> list[TraktItem]: with_same_name = [] for item in items: if self.matches(item.title): # If the title included the year of broadcast, then we can be more picky in the results # to look for an item with a broadcast year that matches if self.year: # If the item title is a 1:1 match, with the same broadcast year, then bingo! if ( == item.title) and (item.year == self.year): # Clear previous results, and only use this one with_same_name = [item] break # Otherwise, only add the item if the broadcast year matches if item.year == self.year: with_same_name.append(item) # If the item doesn't have the broadcast year, then add all the results else: with_same_name.append(item) return with_same_name def matches(self, other: str) -> bool: """ Shows in TV Time are often different to Trakt.TV - in order to improve results and automation, calculate how many words are in the title, and return true if more than 50% of the title is a match, It seems to improve automation, and reduce manual selection... """ # If the name is a complete match, then don't bother comparing them! if == other: return True # Go through each word of the TV Time title, and check if it's in the Trakt title words_matched = [word for word in if word in other] # Then calculate what percentage of words matched quotient = len(words_matched) / len(other.split()) percentage = quotient * 100 # If more than 50% of words in the TV Time title exist in the Trakt title, # then return the title as a possibility to use return percentage > 50 class TVTimeItem: def __init__(self, name: str, updated_at: str): = name self.title = Title(name) # Get the date which the show was marked 'watched' in TV Time # and parse the watched date value into a Python object self.date_watched = datetime.strptime( updated_at, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) class TVTimeTVShow(TVTimeItem): def __init__(self, row: Any): super().__init__(row["tv_show_name"], row["updated_at"]) self.episode_id = row["episode_id"] self.season_number = row["episode_season_number"] self.episode_number = row["episode_number"] def parse_season_number(self, trakt_show: TraktTVShow) -> int: """ Since the Trakt.Py starts the indexing of seasons in the array from 0 (e.g. Season 1 in Index 0), then subtract the TV Time numerical value by 1, so it starts from 0 as well. However, when a TV series includes a 'special' season, Trakt.Py will place this as the first season in the array - so, don't subtract, since this will match TV Time's existing value. """ season_number = int(self.season_number) # Gen get the Season Number from the first item in the array first_season_no = trakt_show.seasons[0].season # If the season number is 0, then the Trakt show contains a "special" season if first_season_no == 0: # No need to modify the value, as the TV Time value will match Trakt return season_number # Otherwise, if the Trakt seasons start with no specials, then return the seasonNo, # but subtracted by one (e.g. Season 1 in TV Time, will be 0) else: # Only subtract if the TV Time season number is greater than 0. if season_number != 0: return season_number - 1 # Otherwise, the TV Time season is a special! Then you don't need to change the starting position else: return season_number class TVTimeMovie(TVTimeItem): def __init__(self, row: Any): super().__init__(row["movie_name"], row["updated_at"]) self.activity_type = row["type"] # Release date is available for movies release_date = datetime.strptime( row["release_date"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) # Check that date is valid if release_date.year > 1800: self.title = Title(, release_date.year) class Searcher(ABC): def __init__(self, user_matched_table: Table): = "" self.items_with_same_name: Optional[TraktItem] = None self._user_matched_table = user_matched_table def search(self, title: Title) -> Optional[TraktItem]: = # If the title contains a year, then replace the local variable with the stripped version. if title.year: = title.without_year self.items_with_same_name = title.items_with_same_name(self.search_trakt( single_result = self._check_single_result() if single_result: return single_result elif len(self.items_with_same_name) < 1: return None # If the search contains multiple results, then we need to confirm with the user which show # the script should use, or access the local database to see if the user has already provided # a manual selection should_return, query_result = self._search_local() if should_return: return query_result # If the user has not provided a manual selection already in the process # then prompt the user to make a selection else: self._handle_multiple_manually() @abstractmethod def search_trakt(self, name: str) -> list[TraktItem]: pass @abstractmethod def _print_manual_selection(self): pass def _search_local(self) -> tuple[bool, TraktItem]: user_matched_query = Query() query_result = == # If the local database already contains an entry for a manual selection # then don't bother prompting the user to select it again! if len(query_result) == 1: first_match = query_result[0] first_match_selected_index = int(first_match.get("UserSelectedIndex")) skip_show = first_match.get("Skip") if skip_show is None: return True, self.items_with_same_name[first_match_selected_index] else: return True, None else: return False, None def _handle_multiple_manually(self) -> Optional[TraktItem]: self._print_manual_selection() while True: try: # Get the user's selection, either a numerical input, or a string 'SKIP' value index_selected = input("Please make a selection from above (or enter SKIP): ") if index_selected == "SKIP": break index_selected = int(index_selected) - 1 break except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit("Cancel requested...") except Exception: logging.error(f"Sorry! Please select a value between 0 to {len(self.items_with_same_name)}") # If the user entered 'SKIP', then exit from the loop with no selection, which # will trigger the program to move onto the next episode if index_selected == "SKIP": # Record that the user has skipped the TV Show for import, so that # manual input isn't required everytime self._user_matched_table.insert( {"Name":, "UserSelectedIndex": 0, "Skip": True} ) return None else: selected_show = self.items_with_same_name[int(index_selected)] self._user_matched_table.insert( { "Name":, "UserSelectedIndex": index_selected, "Skip": False, } ) return selected_show def _check_single_result(self) -> Optional[TraktItem]: complete_match_names = [name_from_search for name_from_search in self.items_with_same_name if name_from_search.title ==] if len(complete_match_names) == 1: return complete_match_names[0] elif len(self.items_with_same_name) == 1: return self.items_with_same_name[0] class TVShowSearcher(Searcher): def __init__(self, tv_show: TVTimeTVShow): super().__init__(userMatchedShowsTable) self.tv_show = tv_show def search_trakt(self, name: str) -> list[TraktItem]: return def _print_manual_selection(self) -> None: print( f"INFO - MANUAL INPUT REQUIRED: The TV Time data for Show '{}'" f" (Season {self.tv_show.season_number}, Episode {self.tv_show.episode_number}) has" f" {len(self.items_with_same_name)} matching Trakt shows with the same name.\a" ) for idx, item in enumerate(self.items_with_same_name): print( f"({idx + 1}) {item.title} - {item.year} - {len(item.seasons)}" f" Season(s) - More Info:{item.ext}" ) class MovieSearcher(Searcher): def __init__(self): super().__init__(userMatchedMoviesTable) def search_trakt(self, name: str) -> list[TraktItem]: return def _print_manual_selection(self) -> None: print( f"INFO - MANUAL INPUT REQUIRED: The TV Time data for Movie '{}'" f" has {len(self.items_with_same_name)}" f" matching Trakt movies with the same name.\a" ) for idx, item in enumerate(self.items_with_same_name): print(f"({idx + 1}) {item.title} - {item.year} - More Info:{item.ext}")