refactoring, and improved comments

This commit is contained in:
Luke Arran 2021-04-09 22:05:46 +01:00
parent 4fd33e1a21
commit 53433ad2ed
2 changed files with 190 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# TV Time to Trakt - Import Script
A Python script to import TV Time tracked episode data into Trakt.TV - using data provided by Whip Media Company via a GDPR request.
A Python script to import TV Time tracked episode data into Trakt.TV - using data export provided by TV Time through a GDPR request.
# Issues
They'll be a few! This was quickly put together within a few hours or so for personal usage. If you come across anything then let me know in the 'Issue' section, and I'll provide support where possible.
# Notes
1. The script is using limited data provided from a GDPR request - so the accuracy isn't 100%. But you will be prompted to manually pick the Trakt show, when it can't be determined automatically.
2. A delay of 5 seconds is added between each episode to ensure fair use of Trakt's API server - especially with my import of 6,500 episodes. You should adjust this for your own import, but make sure it's at least 1 second to remain within the rate limit.
2. A delay of 5 seconds is added between each episode to ensure fair use of Trakt's API server. You should adjust this for your own import, but make sure it's at least 1 second to remain within the rate limit.
3. Episodes which have been processed will be saved to a TinyDB file `localStorage.json` - when you restart the script, the program will skip those episodes which have been marked 'imported'.
# Setup
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Create a new file named `config.json` in the same directory of ``,
Then, execute the program using `./python3` - make sure to pop back during a long import to provide the correct Trakt TV Show selections.
Once the config is in place, execute the program using `python`. The process isn't 100% automated - you will need to pop back, especially with large imports, to check if the script requires a manual user input.
##### Credit
<a href=''>City vector created by freepik -</a>

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@ -28,12 +28,6 @@ class Expando(object):
def initTraktAuth():
# Set the method of authentication
trakt.core.AUTH_METHOD = trakt.core.OAUTH_AUTH
return init(getConfiguration().TRAKT_USERNAME, store=True, client_id=getConfiguration().CLIENT_ID, client_secret=getConfiguration().CLIENT_SECRET)
def getConfiguration():
configEx = Expando()
@ -45,90 +39,126 @@ def getConfiguration():
return configEx
config = getConfiguration()
# Return the path to the CSV file contain the watched episode data from TV Time
def getWatchedShowsPath():
return config.GDPR_WORKSPACE_PATH + "/seen_episode.csv"
def initTraktAuth():
# Set the method of authentication
trakt.core.AUTH_METHOD = trakt.core.OAUTH_AUTH
return init(config.TRAKT_USERNAME, store=True, client_id=config.CLIENT_ID, client_secret=config.CLIENT_SECRET)
# With a given title, check if it contains a year (e.g Doctor Who (2005))
# and then return this value, with the title and year removed to improve
# the accuracy of Trakt results.
def getYearFromTitle(title):
ex = Expando()
# Get the year
# Use a regex expression to get the value within the brackets e.g The Americans (2017)
yearSearch ="\(([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\)", title)
yearValue =
# Get the value outside the title
# Then, get the title without the year value included
titleValue = title.split('(')[0].strip()
# Put this together into an object
ex.titleWithoutYear = titleValue
ex.yearValue = int(yearValue)
return ex
# If the above failed, then the title doesn't include a year
# so return the object as is.
ex.titleWithoutYear = title
ex.yearValue = -1
return ex
# Shows in TV Time are often different to Trakt.TV - in order to improve results and automation,
# calculate how many words are in the title, and return true if more than 50% of the title is a match,
# It seems to improve automation, and reduce manual selection....
def checkTitleNameMatch(tvTimeTitle, traktTitle):
# If a name is simply a 1:1 match, then return true
# If the name is a complete match, then don't bother comparing them!
if tvTimeTitle == traktTitle:
return True
# Split the TvTime title
tvTimeTitleSplit = tvTimeTitle.split()
# Get all the words which were in the title
# Create an array of words which are found in the Trakt title
wordsMatched = []
# Go through each word of the title, and confirm if the is a match
# Go through each word of the TV Time title, and check if it's in the Trakt title
for word in tvTimeTitleSplit:
if word in traktTitle:
# Calculate the accuracy of the match
# Then calculate what percentage of words matched
quotient = len(wordsMatched) / len(traktTitle.split())
percentage = quotient * 100
# If the title contains more than 50% of the words, then bring it up for use
# If more than 50% of words in the TV Time title exist in the Trakt title,
# then return the title as a possibility to use
return percentage > 50
# Using TV Time data (Name of Show, Season No and Episode) - find the corresponding show
# in Trakt.TV either by automation, or asking the user to confirm.
def getShowByName(name, seasonNo, episodeNo):
# Get the 'year' from the title - if one is present
# Parse the TV Show's name for year, if one is present in the string
titleObj = getYearFromTitle(name)
# Title includes a year value, which helps with ensuring accuracy of pick
# Create a boolean to indicate if the title contains a year,
# this is used later on to improve the accuracy of picking
# from search results
doesTitleIncludeYear = titleObj.yearValue != -1
# If the title included the year, then replace the name value
# with the string without the year - which helps with ensuring
# Trakt search accuracy
# If the title contains a year, then replace the local variable with the stripped version
if doesTitleIncludeYear:
name = titleObj.titleWithoutYear
# Search for a show with the name
# Request the Trakt API for search results, using the name
tvSearch =
# Create an array of shows which have been matched
showsWithSameName = []
# Check if the search returned more than 1 result with the same name
# Go through each result from the search
for show in tvSearch:
# Check if the title is a match, based on our conditions (e.g over 50% of words match)
if checkTitleNameMatch(name, show.title):
# If the TV Time title included a year, then only add results with matching broadcast year
# If the title included the year of broadcast, then we can be more picky in the results
# to look for a show with a broadcast year that matches
if doesTitleIncludeYear == True:
# If the show title is a 1:1 match, with the year, then don't bother with checking the rest -
# since this will be a complete match
# If the show title is a 1:1 match, with the same broadcast year, then bingo!
if (name == show.title) and (show.year == titleObj.yearValue):
# Clear previous results, and only use this one
showsWithSameName = []
# Otherwise, check if the year is a match
# Otherwise, only add the show if the broadcast year matches
if show.year == titleObj.yearValue:
# Otherwise, just add all options
# If the program doesn't have the broadcast year, then add all the results
# Filter down the results further to results containing a 1:1 match on title
# Sweep through the results once more for 1:1 title name matches,
# then if the list contains one entry with a 1:1 match, then clear the array
# and only use this one!
completeMatchNames = []
for nameFromSearch in showsWithSameName:
if nameFromSearch.title == name:
@ -137,60 +167,78 @@ def getShowByName(name, seasonNo, episodeNo):
if (len(completeMatchNames) == 1):
showsWithSameName = completeMatchNames
# If the search contains more than one result with the same name, then confirm with user
# If the search contains multiple results, then we need to confirm with the user which show
# the script should use, or access the local database to see if the user has already provided
# a manual selection
if len(showsWithSameName) > 1:
# Check if the user has made a selection already
# Query the local database for existing selection
userMatchedQuery = Query()
queryResult =
userMatchedQuery.ShowName == name)
# If the user has already made a selection for the show, then use the existing selection
# If the local database already contains an entry for a manual selection
# then don't bother prompting the user to select it again!
if len(queryResult) == 1:
# Get the first row
# Get the first result from the query
firstMatch = queryResult[0]
# Get the value contains the selection index
firstMatchSelectedIndex = int(firstMatch.get('UserSelectedIndex'))
# Check if the user previously requested to skip the show
skipShow = firstMatch.get('SkipShow')
# If the user did not skip, but provided an index selection, get the
# matching show
if skipShow == False:
return showsWithSameName[firstMatchSelectedIndex]
# Otherwise, return None, which will trigger the script to skip
# and move onto the next show
return None
# Otherwise, ask the user which show they want to match with
# If the user has not provided a manual selection already in the process
# then prompt the user to make a selection
# Ask the user to pick
f"MESSAGE: The TV Time Show '{name}' (Season {seasonNo}, Episode {episodeNo}) has {len(showsWithSameName)} matching Trakt shows with the same name.")
f"INFO - MANUAL INPUT REQUIRED: The TV Time data for Show '{name}' (Season {seasonNo}, Episode {episodeNo}) has {len(showsWithSameName)} matching Trakt shows with the same name.")
# Output each show for manual selection
for idx, item in enumerate(showsWithSameName):
# Display the show's title, broadcast year, amount of seasons and a link to the Trakt page.
# This will provide the user with enough information to make a selection.
f" ({idx}) {item.title} - {item.year} - {len(item.seasons)} Season(s) - More Info:{item.ext}")
# Get the user's selection, either a numerical input, or a string 'SKIP' value
indexSelected = (input(
f"Please make a selection from above (or enter SKIP):"))
# If the input was not skip, then validate the selection before ending loop
if indexSelected != 'SKIP':
# Since the value isn't 'skip', check that the result is numerical
# Exit the selection loop
# Otherwise, exit with SKIP
# Otherwise, exit the loop
# Still allow the user to provide the exit input, and kill the program
except KeyboardInterrupt:
sys.exit("Cancel requested...")
# Otherwise, the user has entered an invalid value, warn the user to try again
f"Sorry! Please select a value between 0 to {len(showsWithSameName)}")
# If the user decides to skip the selection, return None
# If the user entered 'SKIP', then exit from the loop with no selection, which
# will trigger the program to move onto the next episode
if (indexSelected == 'SKIP'):
# Record that the user has skipped the TV Show for import, so that
# manual input isn't required everytime
{'ShowName': name, 'UserSelectedIndex': 0, 'SkipShow': True})
return None
# Otherwise, return the selected show
# Otherwise, return the selection which the user made from the list
selectedShow = showsWithSameName[int(indexSelected)]
@ -200,135 +248,191 @@ def getShowByName(name, seasonNo, episodeNo):
return selectedShow
# If the search returned only one result, then awesome!
# Return the show, so the import automation can continue.
return showsWithSameName[0]
# Confirm if the season has a "special" season starting at 0, if not, then subtract the seasonNo by 1
# Since the Trakt.Py starts the indexing of seasons in the array from 0 (e.g Season 1 in Index 0), then
# subtract the TV Time numerical value by 1 so it starts from 0 as well. However, when a TV series includes
# a 'special' season, Trakt.Py will place this as the first season in the array - so, don't subtract, since
# this will match TV Time's existing value.
def parseSeasonNo(seasonNo, traktShowObj):
# Parse the season number into a numerical value
seasonNo = int(seasonNo)
# Get the first season number in the array
# Then get the Season Number from the first item in the array
firstSeasonNo = traktShowObj.seasons[0].number
# If the season number is 0, then the show contains a "special" season
# If the season number is 0, then the Trakt show contains a "special" season
if firstSeasonNo == 0:
# Return the Season Number, as is
# No need to modify the value, as the TV Time value will match Trakt
return seasonNo
# Otherwise, if the Trakt seasons start with no specials, then return the seasonNo,
# but subtracted by one (e.g Season 1 in TV Time, will be 0)
# Otherwise, if the seasons start from 0, without any specials, then return the seasonNo,
# but subtracted by one (unless it is a special season in TV Time)
# Only subtract is the TV Time season number is greater than 0.
if seasonNo != 0:
return seasonNo - 1
# Otherwise, the TV Time season is a special! Then you don't need to change the starting position
return seasonNo
def getWatchedShowsPath():
return getConfiguration().GDPR_WORKSPACE_PATH + "/seen_episode.csv"
def processWatchedShows():
# Keep a count of rows processed etc
# Total amount of rows which have been processed in the CSV file
rowsCount = 0
# Total amount of rows in the CSV file
rowsTotal = 0
# Total amount of errors which have occurred in one streak
errorStreak = 0
# Quickly sweep through the file to get the row count
# Get the total amount of rows in the CSV file,
# which is helpful for keeping track of progress.
# However, if you have a VERY large CSV file (e.g above 100,000 rows)
# then it might be a good idea to remove this due to the performance
# overhead.
with open(getWatchedShowsPath()) as f:
rowsTotal = sum(1 for line in f)
# Open the CSV file within the GDPR exported data
with open(getWatchedShowsPath(), newline='') as csvfile:
# Create the CSV reader, which will break up the fields using the delimiter ','
showsReader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
# Loop through each line/record of the CSV file
for row in showsReader:
# Increment the row counter to keep track of progress completing the
# records during the import process.
rowsCount += 1
# Get the values from the CSV record
# Get the name of the TV show
tvShowName = row[4]
# Skip first row
# Ignore the header row
if tvShowName != "tv_show_name":
# Get the TV Time Episode Id
tvShowEpisodeId = row[1]
# Get the TV Time Season Number
tvShowSeasonNo = row[7]
# Get the TV Time Episode Number
tvShowEpisodeNo = row[8]
# Get the date which the show was marked 'watched' in TV Time
tvShowDateWatched = row[5]
# Parse the watched date value into a Python type
tvShowDateWatchedConverted = datetime.strptime(
tvShowDateWatched, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# Query the database to check if it's already been processed
# Query the local database for previous entries indicating that
# the episode has already been imported in the past. Which will
# ease pressure on TV Time's API server during a retry of the import
# process, and just save time overall without needing to create network requests
episodeCompletedQuery = Query()
queryResult =
episodeCompletedQuery.episodeId == tvShowEpisodeId)
# If the query returned no results, then continue to import it into Trakt
if len(queryResult) == 0:
# Create a repeating loop, which will break on success, but repeats on failures
while True:
# If more than 10 errors occurred in one streak, whilst trying to import the episode
# then give up, and move onto the next episode, but warn the user.
if (errorStreak > 10):
f"An error occurred 10 times in a row... skipping episode...")
f"WARNING: An error occurred 10 times in a row... skipping episode...")
# Sleep for a second between each process, before adding the next watched episode,
# this ensures that the program is within the rate limit of 1 per second.
# Sleep for a second between each process, before going onto the next watched episode.
# This is required to remain within the API rate limit, and use the API server fairly.
# Other developers share the service, for free - so be considerate of your usage.
# Get the Trakt version of the show
# Search Trakt for the TV show matching TV Time's title value
traktShowObj = getShowByName(
tvShowName, tvShowSeasonNo, tvShowEpisodeNo)
# Skip the episode, if no show was selected
# If the method returned 'None', then this is an indication to skip the episode, and
# move onto the next one
if traktShowObj == None:
# Output to console
print(f"({rowsCount}/{rowsTotal}) Processing Show '" + tvShowName +
"' on Season " + tvShowSeasonNo + " - Episode " + tvShowEpisodeNo)
# Add the show to the user's library
# Show the progress of the import on-screen
f"({rowsCount}/{rowsTotal}) Processing Show {tvShowName} on Season {tvShowSeasonNo} - Episode {tvShowEpisodeNo}")
# Add the show to the user's library for tracking
# Get the season
# Get the season from the Trakt API
season = traktShowObj.seasons[parseSeasonNo(
tvShowSeasonNo, traktShowObj)]
# Get the episode from the season
episode = season.episodes[int(tvShowEpisodeNo) - 1]
# Mark the episode as watched
# Mark the episode as watched!
# Add the show to the tracker as completed
# Add the episode to the local database as imported, so it can be skipped,
# if the process is repeated
{'episodeId': tvShowEpisodeId})
# Once the episode has been marked watched, then break out of the loop
# Clear the error streak on completing the method without errors
errorStreak = 0
# Catch errors which occur because of an incorrect array index. This occurs when
# an incorrect Trakt show has been selected, with season/episodes which don't match TV Time.
# It can also occur due to a bug in Trakt Py, whereby some seasons contain an empty array of episodes.
except IndexError:
print("Oops! '" + tvShowName +
"' on Season " + tvShowSeasonNo + " - Episode " + tvShowEpisodeNo + " is not within range of show array!")
f"({rowsCount}/{rowsTotal}) WARNING: {tvShowName} Season {tvShowSeasonNo}, Episode {tvShowEpisodeNo} does not exist (season/episode index) in Trakt!")
# Catch any errors which are raised because a show could not be found in Trakt
except trakt.errors.NotFoundException:
print("Show '" + tvShowName +
"' on Season " + tvShowSeasonNo + " - Episode " + tvShowEpisodeNo + " does not exist!")
f"({rowsCount}/{rowsTotal}) WARNING: {tvShowName} Season {tvShowSeasonNo}, Episode {tvShowEpisodeNo} does not exist (search) in Trakt!")
# Catch errors because of the program breaching the Trakt API rate limit
except trakt.errors.RateLimitException:
"Oops! You have hit the rate limit! The program will now pause for 1 minute...")
"WARNING: The program is running too quickly and has hit Trakt's API rate limit! Please increase the delay between " +
"episdoes via the variable 'DELAY_BETWEEN_EPISODES_IN_SECONDS'. The program will now wait 60 seconds before " +
"trying again.")
# Mark the exception in the error streak
errorStreak += 1
# Catch a JSON decode error - this can be raised when the API server is down and produces a HTML page, instead of JSON
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
f"Oh, oh! A JSON Decode error occurred - maybe a dodgy response from the server? Waiting 60 seconds before resuming")
f"({rowsCount}/{rowsTotal}) WARNING: A JSON decode error occuring whilst processing {tvShowName} " +
f"Season {tvShowSeasonNo}, Episode {tvShowEpisodeNo}! This might occur when the server is down and has produced " +
"a HTML document instead of JSON. The script will wait 60 seconds before trying again.")
# Wait 60 seconds
# Mark the exception in the error streak
errorStreak += 1
# Catch a CTRL + C keyboard input, and exits the program
except KeyboardInterrupt:
sys.exit("Cancel requested...")
# Skip the episode
print(f"({rowsCount}/{rowsTotal}) Skipping '" + tvShowName +
"' on Season " + tvShowSeasonNo + " - Episode " + tvShowEpisodeNo + ". It's already been imported!")
f"({rowsCount}/{rowsTotal}) Skipping '{tvShowName}' Season {tvShowSeasonNo} Episode {tvShowEpisodeNo}. It's already been imported.")
def start():
# Create the initial authentication with Trakt, before starting the process
if initTraktAuth():
# Start processing the TV shows
# Invoke the method which will import episodes which have been watched
# from TV Time into Trakt
print("Unable to authenticate with Trakt!")
print("ERROR: Unable to complete authentication to Trakt - please try again.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if os.path.isdir(getConfiguration().GDPR_WORKSPACE_PATH):
# Check that the user has created the config file
if os.path.exists("config.json"):
# Check that the user has provided the GDPR path
if os.path.isdir(config.GDPR_WORKSPACE_PATH):
print("Oops! The TV Time GDPR folder '" + getConfiguration().GDPR_WORKSPACE_PATH +
print("Oops! The TV Time GDPR folder '" + config.GDPR_WORKSPACE_PATH +
"' does not exist on the local system. Please check it, and try again.")
print(f"ERROR: The 'config.json' file cannot be found - have you created it yet?")