mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 12:48:36 -06:00
191 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file
191 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file
# Run only one instance of this script at one time
[ "${BKLOCKER}" != "running" ] && exec env BKLOCKER="running" flock -en "/tmp/revanced-builder.lock" "$0" "$@" || :
# Get timestamp
timestamp=$(date '+%s')
# File containing all patches
# Set working directory and current directory
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
echo "Working directory not provided"
exit -1
# Make sure to work in the script directory
SDIR="$(dirname -- "$( readlink -f -- "$0"; )";)"
cd "$SDIR"
# Get line numbers where included & excluded patches start from.
# We rely on the hardcoded messages to get the line numbers using grep
excluded_start="$(grep -n -m1 'EXCLUDE PATCHES' "$patch_file" | cut -d':' -f1)"
included_start="$(grep -n -m1 'INCLUDE PATCHES' "$patch_file" | cut -d':' -f1)"
# Get everything but hashes from between the EXCLUDE PATCH & INCLUDE PATCH line
# Note: '^[^#[:blank:]]' ignores starting hashes and/or blank characters i.e, whitespace & tab excluding newline
excluded_patches="$(tail -n +$excluded_start $patch_file | head -n "$(( included_start - excluded_start ))" | grep '^[^#[:blank:]]')"
# Get everything but hashes starting from INCLUDE PATCH line until EOF
included_patches="$(tail -n +$included_start $patch_file | grep '^[^#[:blank:]]')"
# Array for storing patches
declare -a patches
# Artifacts associative array aka dictionary
declare -A artifacts
artifacts["revanced-cli.jar"]="revanced/revanced-cli revanced-cli .jar"
artifacts["revanced-integrations.apk"]="revanced/revanced-integrations app-release-unsigned .apk"
artifacts["revanced-patches.jar"]="revanced/revanced-patches revanced-patches .jar"
artifacts["apkeep"]="EFForg/apkeep apkeep-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
## Functions
get_artifact_download_url() {
# Usage: get_download_url <repo_name> <artifact_name> <file_type>
local api_url result
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
result=$(curl -s $api_url | jq ".assets[] | select(.name | contains(\"$2\") and contains(\"$3\") and (contains(\".sig\") | not)) | .browser_download_url")
echo "${result:1:-1}"
# Function for populating patches array, using a function here reduces redundancy & satisfies DRY principals
populate_patches() {
# Note: <<< defines a 'here-string'. Meaning, it allows reading from variables just like from a file
while read -r patch; do
patches+=("$1 $patch")
done <<< "$2"
## Main
# cleanup to fetch new revanced on next run
if [[ "$2" == "clean" ]]; then
rm -f revanced-cli.jar revanced-integrations.apk revanced-patches.jar
if [[ "$2" == "experimental" ]]; then
# Set flag to determine if a build should happen or not
# Get inside the working directory
cd "$WDIR"
echo "$(date) | Statring check..." | tee -a build.log
# Fetch all the dependencies
for artifact in "${!artifacts[@]}"; do
#Check for updates
name=$(echo "${artifacts[$artifact]}" | cut -d" " -f1)
[[ "$name" == "EFForg/apkeep" && ! -f ./apkeep ]] && curl -sLo "$artifact" $(get_artifact_download_url ${artifacts[$artifact]}) && break
version_present=$(jq -r ".\"$name\"" versions.json)
version=$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/$name/releases/latest" | grep -Eo '"tag_name": "v(.*)"' | sed -E 's/.*"v([^"]+)".*/\1/')
if [[ ${version_present//[!0-9]/} -lt ${version//[!0-9]/} ]]; then
echo "Downloading $artifact" | tee -a build.log
# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2046
curl -sLo "$artifact" $(get_artifact_download_url ${artifacts[$artifact]})
jq ".\"$name\" = \"$version\"" versions.json > versions.json.tmp && mv versions.json.tmp versions.json
# Exit if no updates happened
if [[ $flag == false && "$2" != "force" ]]; then
echo "Nothing to update" | tee -a build.log
# Download required apk files
"$SDIR/download_apkmirror.sh" "$WDIR"
# Fetch microG
chmod +x apkeep
if [ ! -f "vanced-microG.apk" ]; then
# Vanced microG
echo "Downloading Vanced microG" | tee -a build.log
./apkeep -a com.mgoogle.android.gms@$VMG_VERSION .
mv com.mgoogle.android.gms@$VMG_VERSION.apk vanced-microG.apk
jq ".\"vanced-microG\" = \"$VMG_VERSION\"" versions.json > versions.json.tmp && mv versions.json.tmp versions.json
# If the variables are NOT empty, call populate_patches with proper arguments
[[ ! -z "$excluded_patches" ]] && populate_patches "-e" "$excluded_patches"
[[ ! -z "$included_patches" ]] && populate_patches "-i" "$included_patches"
echo "************************************"
echo "Building YouTube APK"
echo "************************************"
if [ -f "com.google.android.youtube.apk" ]; then
# echo "Building Root APK"
# java -jar revanced-cli.jar -m revanced-integrations.apk -b revanced-patches.jar --mount \
# -e microg-support ${patches[@]} \
# -a com.google.android.youtube.apk -o build/revanced-yt-root.apk
echo "Building Non-root APK" | tee -a build.log
java -jar revanced-cli.jar -m revanced-integrations.apk -b revanced-patches.jar \
${patches[@]} \
-a com.google.android.youtube.apk -o revanced-yt-nonroot.apk
echo "Cannot find YouTube APK, skipping build" | tee -a build.log
echo ""
echo "************************************"
echo "Building YouTube Music APK"
echo "************************************"
if [ -f "com.google.android.apps.youtube.music.apk" ]; then
# echo "Building Root APK"
# java -jar revanced-cli.jar -b revanced-patches.jar --mount \
# -e microg-support ${patches[@]} \
# -a com.google.android.apps.youtube.music.apk -o build/revanced-ytm-root.apk
echo "Building Non-root APK" | tee -a build.log
java -jar revanced-cli.jar -b revanced-patches.jar \
${patches[@]} \
-a com.google.android.apps.youtube.music.apk -o revanced-ytm-nonroot.apk
echo "Cannot find YouTube Music APK, skipping build" | tee -a build.log
# Rename files
mv revanced-yt-nonroot.apk YouTube_ReVanced_nonroot_$timestamp.apk
mv revanced-ytm-nonroot.apk YouTube_Music_ReVanced_nonroot_$timestamp.apk
# mv revanced-yt-root.apk YouTube_ReVanced_root_$timestamp.apk
# mv revanced-ytm-root.apk YouTube_Music_ReVanced_root_$timestamp.apk
# Send telegram message about the new build
echo "Sending messages to telegram" | tee -a build.log
# telegram-upload uses personal account, hence bypassing 50 MB max upload limit of bots
channel_address=$(cat channel_address | sed -z '$ s/\n$//')
telegram-upload YouTube_ReVanced_nonroot_$timestamp.apk YouTube_Music_ReVanced_nonroot_$timestamp.apk --to "$channel_address" --caption ""
# telegram.sh uses bot account, but it supports formatted messages
msg=$(cat versions.json | tail -n+2 | head -n-1 | cut -c3- | sed "s/\"//g" | sed "s/,//g" | sed "s/com.google.android.apps.youtube.music/YouTube Music/" \
| sed "s/com.google.android.youtube/YouTube/" | sed "s/vanced-microG/Vanced microG/" | sed "s/revanced\///g" | awk 1 ORS=$'\n')
./telegram.sh -T "⚙⚙⚙ Build Details ⚙⚙⚙" -M "$msg"$'\n'"⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯"
# Do some cleanup, keep only the last 3 build's worth of files
mkdir -p archive
mv YouTube_ReVanced_nonroot_$timestamp.apk archive/
mv YouTube_Music_ReVanced_nonroot_$timestamp.apk archive/
find ./archive -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%Ts\t%P\n' \
| sort -rn \
| tail -n +6 \
| cut -f2- \
| xargs -r r