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Sayantan Santra 2020-01-25 21:57:13 +05:30
parent fa78ba3736
commit a6ecf51d30
1 changed files with 75 additions and 0 deletions

NightlyAutoPlaceWindows Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
set -e
# Function to place Firefox windows by desktops after restore session.
# Firefox has long BUG (created 2007-03-05!) which make hassle of windows!
# I use at least 11 windows and it is very hard to place them on correct desktop each time. So I write that workaround.
# Partially idea borrowed from attempt, but I choose different approach:
# instead of periodically save window titles into file (which is very unstable because of many tabs in each) I just label each window with custom label
# by default match with desktop label (name).
# For set Firefox windows custom titles used extension (OpenSource):
# Now match is very simple - just one grep, but you may use regular expression or special symbols...
# Example:
# I have few desktops with names: Egais, DevOps, Home
# For Firefox windows I set tiltles accordingly (with extension) like "Home", then window title become: "[Home] Google - Mozilla Firefox"
# And it give me abbility understand on which desktop it should be placed.
# So I just call this function like:
# placeWindowOnDesktop Home
# Voila. It place all windows which have word "Home" to desktop which name also contain word Home. It does not depends any more from tab opened in that window!
# You may provide second argument to match desktop name if it is not same to match as for window, like:
# placeWindowOnDesktop Home 'Second desktop'
# For more clever and automatic way distribute all windows {@see matchAllFirefoxWindowsByDesktops} function
# $1 - window sub-sting name. wmctrl by default find only first matching window, but we will place all, if more then one matched!
# $2 - (optional) desktop sub-sting name. It is is not present - $1 used
# Direct way: wmctrl -r '[Egais]' -t $( deskName Egais )
function placeWindowOnDesktop(){
local _desk=( $(deskName ${2:-${1}}) )
# awk hack by:
while read window; do
window=( $window )
echo -e "Place window ⟪\E[010;92m${window[@]:1}(id=${window[0]})\E[0m⟫ to desktop ⟪\E[010;93m${_desk[@]:1}(id=${_desk[0]})\E[0m⟫"
wmctrl -i -r ${window[0]} -t ${_desk[0]}
done < <( wmctrl -l | fgrep "${1}" | awk '{$2=""; $3=""}1' )
# $1 - desktop sub-sting name
# Return window id and itsName like: "5 RDC (MSSQL to PG)"
function deskName(){
wmctrl -d | grep "$1" | cut -d' ' -f1,14-
# Example of direct placement
#placeWindowOnDesktop Egais
#placeWindowOnDesktop RosReestr
#placeWindowOnDesktop Home
#placeWindowOnDesktop DevOps
#placeWindowOnDesktop SensoPressTakt
#placeWindowOnDesktop RDC
#placeWindowOnDesktop ЦИК
# Magic function to distribute all Firefox windows by its desktops automatically!
# This is consider only Firefox windows, and get desktop tag-name from [] square brackets.
# F.e. for windows:
# $ wmctrl -lx | fgrep 'Navigator.Firefox'
# 0x03a000c5 3 Navigator.Firefox 2.hubbitus.taskdata [Home] bash - Extract string from brackets - Stack Overflow - Mozilla Firefox
# 0x03a000ad 5 Navigator.Firefox 2.hubbitus.taskdata [RDC] rdc-iac-ansible/ at ebf2122335387a66cb043f0480d8f38e6a087d39 · RegDC/rdc-iac-ansible - Mozilla Firefox
# 0x03a00089 5 Navigator.Firefox 2.hubbitus.taskdata [RDC] How to slice an array in Bash - Stack Overflow - Mozilla Firefox
# 0x03a000b9 0 Navigator.Firefox 2.hubbitus.taskdata [Egais] Firefox desktop placement issue - Mozilla Firefox
# Home, RDC and Egais will be searched in desktop names for place windows on it accordingly!
function matchAllFirefoxWindowsByDesktops(){
for word in $( wmctrl -lx | fgrep 'Navigator.Firefox' | awk -F"[][]" '{print $2}' | sort -u ); do
placeWindowOnDesktop "[$word]" "$word"