new: Solved problems 46 to 50

This commit is contained in:
Sayantan Santra 2024-05-26 04:52:21 -05:00
parent 9b279bc5d0
commit 52b3adeb6f
Signed by: SinTan1729
5 changed files with 151 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
-- There isn't much point in implementing the basic predicates by hand
-- as it'd be equivalent to just writing their truth tables
and' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and' = (&&)
or' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
or' = (||)
nand' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nand' x y = not $ and' x y
nor' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nor' x y = not $ or' x y
xor' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor' = (/=)
impl' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
impl' x = or' (not x)
equ' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
equ' = (==)
table :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> IO ()
table f = mapM_ putStrLn [show x ++ " " ++ show y ++ " " ++ show (f x y) | x <- [True, False], y <- [True, False]]

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-- There isn't much point in implementing the basic predicates by hand
-- as it'd be equivalent to just writing their truth tables
and' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and' = (&&)
infixl 4 `and'`
or' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
or' = (||)
infixl 3 `or'`
nand' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nand' x y = not $ and' x y
infixl 9 `nand'`
nor' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nor' x y = not $ or' x y
infixl 9 `nor'`
xor' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor' = (/=)
infixl 9 `xor'`
impl' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
impl' x = or' (not x)
infixl 3 `impl'`
equ' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
equ' = (==)
infixl 8 `equ'`
table :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> IO ()
table f = mapM_ putStrLn [show x ++ " " ++ show y ++ " " ++ show (x `f` y) | x <- [True, False], y <- [True, False]]

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
-- There isn't much point in implementing the basic predicates by hand
-- as it'd be equivalent to just writing their truth tables
and' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and' = (&&)
infixl 4 `and'`
or' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
or' = (||)
infixl 3 `or'`
nand' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nand' x y = not $ and' x y
infixl 9 `nand'`
nor' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nor' x y = not $ or' x y
infixl 9 `nor'`
xor' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor' = (/=)
infixl 9 `xor'`
impl' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
impl' x = or' (not x)
infixl 3 `impl'`
equ' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
equ' = (==)
infixl 8 `equ'`
tablen :: Int -> ([Bool] -> Bool) -> IO ()
tablen n f = mapM_ putStrLn [toStr x ++ show (f x) | x <- replicateM n [True, False]]
toStr = unwords . map ((++) <$> show <*> space)
space True = " "
space False = " "

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
gray :: Int -> [[Char]]
gray n
| n == 1 = ["0", "1"]
| n > 1 =
( \(i, l) ->
if odd i
then [(l ++)] <*> ["0", "1"]
else [(l ++)] <*> ["1", "0"]
$ zip [1 ..]
$ gray (n - 1)
| otherwise = error "Not defined for n<1"

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import Data.List (sortBy)
data HTree a = HBranch Int (HTree a) (HTree a) | HLeaf Int a
hTreeVal :: HTree a -> Int
hTreeVal (HLeaf n _) = n
hTreeVal (HBranch n _ _) = n
toHTree :: [HTree Char] -> HTree Char
toHTree [t] = t
toHTree [HLeaf f1 l1, HLeaf f2 l2] =
if f1 < f2
then HBranch (f1 + f2) (HLeaf f1 l1) (HLeaf f2 l2)
else HBranch (f1 + f2) (HLeaf f2 l2) (HLeaf f1 l1)
toHTree ls = toHTree (mod : tl)
(l1 : l2 : tl) = sortBy sorter ls
sorter x y = hTreeVal x `compare` hTreeVal y
mod = HBranch (hTreeVal l1 + hTreeVal l2) l1 l2
fromHTree :: HTree Char -> [(Char, String)]
fromHTree (HLeaf 100 a) = [(a, "0")]
fromHTree (HLeaf _ a) = [(a, "")]
fromHTree (HBranch _ t1 t2) = [(c, '0' : s) | (c, s) <- fromHTree t1] ++ [(c, '1' : s) | (c, s) <- fromHTree t2]
huffman :: [(Char, Int)] -> [(Char, String)]
huffman ls = map snd $ filter (\((c1, _), (c2, _)) -> c1 == c2) $ (,) <$> ls <*> sortedCodes
sortedCodes = fromHTree $ toHTree $ map (\(c, v) -> HLeaf v c) ls